For information regarding local and national criminal news, see our latest news stories below.
Law enforcement logs for March 21, 2025
The reports below were provided by the sheriff’s office or police department indicated. All suspects are considere…
Moses Lake man arrested, confesses to killing roommate
MOSES LAKE — A Moses Lake man was booked into the Grant County Jail Tuesday after he told police he had killed his roommate about a week earlier.
WA gun bill could have major implications for Grant Co. Fair
OLYMPIA — A Washington State Senate bill to ban firearms in public areas where children may be present had its first hearing in the House Civil Rights and Judi…
Infant attacked by dog, alive and receiving care
MOSES LAKE – Friday at around noon, the Grant County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a dog attack incident involving a four-week-old baby boy. The minor was brought to Samaritan Hospital prior to police contact.
FIRST RESPONDER FOCUS: GCSO Sgt. Gary Mansford prepares to step into new role as undersheriff
EPHRATA — If Gary Mansford wasn’t planning on a career in law enforcement, other people certainly were planning it for him. “I got pulled over by a state p…
Fairgrounds shooter sentenced after pleading guilty
MOSES LAKE – A 15-year-old has been sentenced for a shooting incident at the Grant County Fairgrounds last August, according to Grant County Prosecuting Attorn…
Local law enforcement responds to shooting at Hiawatha homeless camp
MOSES LAKE – The Moses Lake Police Department responded to a call for gunshots fired, just past noon Friday at the Hiawatha Lake homeless camp, near the 1000 b…
Moses Lake man arrested in connection with March 8 shooting
MOSES LAKE — A Moses Lake man was arrested Friday in connection with a March 8 shooting on Stratford Road in Moses Lake. Luis Medina, 27, was arrested in …
Law enforcement logs for March 14, 2025
The reports below were provided by the sheriff's office or police department indicated. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of …
DV suspect arrested near Grand Coulee Wednesday
GRAND COULEE – On Wednesday, Grant County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a call on State Route 174 East regarding a domestic violence incident. “D…
Stratford drive-by injures one
MOSES LAKE — One person was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries following a shooting on Stratford Road.
Columbia MS has peaceful Friday after reported threat
MOSES LAKE – On Wednesday the Moses Lake School District was made aware of a potential threat related to Columbia Middle School for Friday, according to MLSD D…
Law enforcement logs for March 7, 2025
The reports below were provided by the sheriff’s office or police department indicated. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of …
Othello resident booked after hiding in field from ACSO
OTHELLO – Monday afternoon at around 3 p.m., the Adams County Sheriff’s Office received a call saying two suspicious males were near the reporting party’s resi…
Illegal burn escapes, consumes 61 acres near Ephrata
EPHRATA – An illegal burn in the 12500 block of Road C.3 NW escalated into a significant wildfire on Friday, threatening nearby residences and posing challenge…