Tuesday, October 22, 2024


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Would you like to place a classified ad?

To place a classified ad: Go to Columbia Basin Herald, click on “Classifieds,” and select “Submit an ad” (Or, go directly to Submit). When submitting photos, the higher their resolution, the better. After you submit your ad, you will be contacted to arrange payment. If you would like to place an ad outside of the classifieds section, call us at 509-765-4561 and ask to speak to an advertising representative.

Submitting an obituary?

To submit an obituary: Go to Columbia Basin Herald, click on “Submit an obituary.” (Or, go directly to Submit). Please complete the form with all relevant information. When submitting photos, the higher their resolution, the better. If you need assistance, please contact us by phone at 509-765-4561 or via email at obits@columbiabasinherald.com. Payment may be processed online. Obituaries must be submitted and paid for at least two days prior to publication.

Writing a letter to the editor?

Letters to the editor may be submitted in three ways. One is to go to Columbia Basin Herald, click on “submissions,” and select “Submit a letter.” (Or, go directly to Submit). Letters may also be emailed to editor@columbiabasinherald.com with only “Letter to the editor” in the subject line. Additionally, letters may be sent via mail to:

Columbia Basin Herald
Attn: Editor
P.O. Box 910
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Please note the following criteria for letters to be published:

  • Maximum length is 500 words.
  • The writer’s full name, mailing address and phone number must be included. Only the name and city of residence will be published.
  • Only one letter per writer will be printed in a month.
  • Libelous or obscene material, personal attacks, and threats will not be printed.
  • Statistics will be verified prior to publication.
  • All letters become the property of the Columbia Basin Herald.
  • We reserve the right to edit all letters for space and clarity, but will work to ensure the original intent is maintained.
  • Political endorsements submitted as letters to the editor will not be published.

Have a news tip?

To submit a news tip: Go to Columbia Basin Herald, click on “submissions,” and select “Submit news tip.” (Or, go directly to Submit). Fill in the form, including as much information about the story as you can fit. When submitting photos, the higher their resolution, the better.

Note: Although only your name and address are actually required, filling in your phone number or email will make it much easier to contact you for more information. If you haven’t heard from us in a few days, feel free to follow up with a phone call to our office or an email to editor@columbiabasinherald.com.