Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Columbia Basin Herald? See below to view their letters.
LETTER: H-2A highly regulated, overseen
Dear Editor, I write to correct the misleading claims made by Edgar Franks in the recent article regarding the Washington overtime law and the H-2A program…
LETTER: Martin Luther King Jr., Charlie Jones and Black History Month
Recently, Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated in Moses Lake. Charlie Jones (one of the primary sponsors of past events who passed last year) was honored …
LETTER: Sustaining Columbia Basin agriculture through USAID
Dear Editor, In the expansive fields of the Columbia Basin, our farmers’ dedication yields abundant harvests that have long extended beyond our region, reac…
COLUMN: Supporting addiction prevention for youth
The epidemic of drug addiction we are currently experiencing demonstrates the need for local communities all around the country to act. It’s natural for many p…
LETTER: Back again supporting the levy
I’m back again, hoping that everyone votes, and the school levy passes February 11th. Not just for the kids, but for our community as a whole.
LETTER: It only takes a moment to make an impact
Less than five minutes of your time can change the lives of thousands of our Moses Lake students for years to come. The Moses Lake School District Levy electi…
LETTER: Let go the past and look forward
Regardless of how (the Moses Lake School District) got into its current state, a new levy is necessary to adequately address student needs. If the 2025 levy f…
LETTER: In support of education
To the voters of Grant County,
LETTER: A statement from MLSD board president Kirryn Jensen
I want to take a minute to talk directly with you about something I know is on a lot of people’s minds –our district’s finances and the calls for a forensic au…
LETTER: In support of telehealth
I am writing to express my support for the Social Work Licensure Compact, as I believe it is important for our area, and it allows licensed social workers to p…
LETTER: Vote YES for the MLSD levy
When you have untrustworthy administrators and have elected overseers unwilling to put in the effort to be well informed on district affairs, you have a perfec…
LETTER: In support of law enforcement
I was very disappointed to see President Trump give a blanket pardon to nearly all of those involved in the Jan. 6 attack. It showed great contempt for the law…
LETTER: The battle for our children
“Men are cast-iron, but children are wax” - Horace Mann We will be voting for the Moses Lake School District levy soon. After attending school board meetin…
LETTER: Education draws the educated
For many years Moses Lake Kiwanis has sponsored youth service clubs. Due to the failure of the 2024 Moses Lake school levy, two of those clubs have folded thi…
LETTER: Grandma Green supports levy (English/Espaniol)
Tuesday, Feb. 11 is when we must vote yes on the upcoming school levy. It’s a big vote for our community, especially our kids. My family moved to Moses Lake in…