Sunday, February 16, 2025

LETTER: The battle for our children

| January 23, 2025 2:40 AM

“Men are cast-iron, but children are wax” — Horace Mann

We will be voting for the Moses Lake School District levy soon. After attending school board meetings for the past five years and talking personally with board members and our new Superintendent, I am convinced that we have a winning team.  

The reason I believe this goes beyond the efforts they have made to correct financial and other mistakes by past administrations. For those that may not be aware, the current board and administration have made a stand to protect our children from harmful and confusing ideology and to maintain the ideals and common-sense principles of our community.  

Last year they passed a resolution to protect girls sports and privacy declaring non-agreement with transgender policy coming from Olympia. They also passed a new policy prohibiting sexually explicit materials in school libraries. In taking this stand, they are staring down powerful establishments like our state government, the NEA union and others.  

When it comes to the levy, yes, extracurricular activities and all the other programs funded by it are important, but to me, less important than what is being taught. I realize that private school and homeschooling are options, but they are out of reach for most families. 

Besides, why should we surrender OUR children and OUR schools to harmful outside forces? That is why I support this board and administration. I hope that members of our community who feel the same will let them know publicly or otherwise.  

There is power in numbers. The kids are worth it.

Mick Feldbush
Moses Lake