Faith, accomplishment, contributing themes for MLCA graduation
MOSES LAKE — Moses Lake Christian Academy celebrated its four-person graduating Class of 2024 Saturday with pomp, circumstance and prayer as Dennis Fountain, Caleb Jones, Maria Lynch and Jonah Robertson walked across the stage to collect their diplomas.
The speaker, math and worship instructor Tyler Tadema, offered a bit of passing wisdom and a blessing to each of the four graduates. He praised Lynch for her strong convictions and beliefs and hoped that she would have the wisdom to prefer instruction and knowledge over silver and jewels, citing Proverbs 8, 10 and 11. He commended Fountain for offering safety and comfort to those around him and prayed that he be generous, offering First Timothy 6, verses 18 and 19 as a guidepost. Jones, he acknowledged as a man of conviction and prayed that he continue to be God-fearing and look to Colossians chapter one, verses nine to 11. Finally, he praised Robertson for his bravery and steadfastness in moving forward to serve his country.
“As you enter into the armed forces these qualities will be tested. I bless you with the peace of God which surpasses all understanding,” Tadema said.
Each graduate gave their parents and close family members a flower in thanks for their support on the way to graduation.
Those parents expressed pride in their children’s faith and accomplishments and hoped that each student would prosper and give back.
“Maria was juggling a lot this past year, with school and work, and I’m proud of her for applying herself. There are so many hours in the day, and Maria used them well to also take time for family and friends. She is a kind, considerate young lady I am proud to call my daughter,” said Lynne Lynch, Maria’s mother.
Dennis Fountain Sr. delivered the charge to the graduates, a speech encouraging each of them to move forward and follow their Christian faith. He noted a scribe in the Bible challenging Jesus to say what God’s most important commandment was, with Jesus responding that loving God and loving others was the highest priority and, generally, all other commandments fell under those umbrellas in some way. He hoped that, through such love, the four of them would be able to make a difference.
“You see, we all leave an impact. We leave an impact in the lives of people around us, whether positive or negative,” Fountain, Sr. said. “Will you be the one to make a positive impact?”