Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Local residents tell cancer to take a hike

Managing Editor | August 14, 2023 6:04 PM

MOSES LAKE – Moses Lake Police Department officers, members of the community and at least one loving wife joined Moses Lake Police Chief Kevin Fuhr Saturday morning at 9 a.m. for a fundraising walk to support the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s efforts to battle the disease.

“I’m not a crier,” Fuhr said. “But, when I came around the corner and saw how many people had showed up, I got a little verklempt.”

In an interview last week, Fuhr said he has had a great deal of support during his treatment from the officers at MLPD, city staff, residents and his family. However, he said he was amazed at the dedication staff at Fred Hutch, whom he credits with extending his life and ensuring he has a high quality of life, have. Through their efforts, he said, his prognosis went from a 12-month life expectancy to a three-to-five-year life expectancy and a roughly 20% chance of even more time than that.

The walk isn’t about Fuhr’s case though. He said he feels the support for cancer research is for the next generation of cancer patients who are facing similar health struggles. It especially angers him to see children and young people who haven’t lived the long, fun lives they deserve facing an uphill struggle with cancer.

“It’s not for me,” Fuhr said. “It’s for the next group of folks that are dying that are getting the same diagnosis.”

Fuhr said the local walk raised a little more than $400 in cash and check donations, though altogether almost $3,900 was raised via other donation methods.

R. Hans "Rob" Miller may be reached at



Moses Lake Police Chief Kevin Fuhr expresses his gratitude in comments before the fundraiser walk. Gratitude not only for the attendees' participation, but also for the physicians, both locally and at Fred Hutch who have helped him extend not only the length of his life but the quality as well.



Moses Lake Police Chief Kevin Fuhr, in black shirt and jean shorts, walks and visits with other participants in the local version of the Obliteride fundraiser for Fred Hutch. Fuhr also credits his wife, next to him in pink shirt, and his daughter for helping him keep a positive attitude after being diagnosed with a rare form of gallbladder cancer late last year.