Shop Local
Here’s today’s list of businesses but please know that there are many more that need your support! Please do take out or call for delivery or buy gift cards...whatever you can do to support all of our local businesses! We will get each other through this if we stick together and help each other!
Unfortunately we can only dedicate 1 page daily to this as we are hurting too (loss of all of the ads and ppts who are pulling now because of covid-19) so what we will do is alternate businesses on the page so that everyone gets an opportunity.
We are running it in multiple publications and attaching it our daily covid-19 email newsletter. We will run it at least through the end of this month so if you are a restaurant, entertainment establishment or a retail business, please email your business name, address, hours, phone etc (as you see below) to and we will get you added as quickly as possible!
Love that our community is coming together to help each other! What an awesome community we have!!
We have also drastically reduced our advertising rates to help local businesses advertise to keep customers coming....$8 per column inch to reach 40,000 readers via the Columbia Basin Herald & Basin Register plus only $5 per thousand impressions for a digital ad on our website which is getting unbelievable traffic with all of our covid-19 coverage! That's only $50 for 10,000 impressions (which is the minimum). Call 509-765-4561 and we will help you put a program together!
Stay well and please support our local businesses so they can keep their employees working and pay their bills!!
And please remember to only take the amount of groceries, cleaning supplies and toiletries that you need to get by on so everyone can have some.
#shoplocal #letshelpeachotherthroughthis