Friday, March 28, 2025

Showing results for "Bone-Induced Her2 1 Promotes Secondary Metastasis in HR /Her2- Breast 2 Cancer"

Stories 3 results of 149,347

April 18, 2020 12:03 a.m.

FDA approves pill for aggressive breast cancer that's spread

U.S. regulators on Friday approved a new drug for an aggressive type of breast cancer that’s spread in the body — including into the brain, where it’s especially tough to treat.

April 19, 2020 12:09 a.m.

FDA approves pill for aggressive breast cancer that's spread

U.S. regulators on Friday approved a new drug for an aggressive type of breast cancer that’s spread in the body — including into the brain, where it’s especially tough to treat.

April 17, 2020 11:27 a.m.

FDA approves pill for aggressive breast cancer that's spread

U.S. regulators on Friday approved a new drug for an aggressive type of breast cancer that’s spread in the body — including into the brain, where it’s especially tough to treat.

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