A pedestrian crosses Stratford Road as a car negotiates the onramp to state Route 17. Traffic of all kinds, including pedestrians, and what residents want to see in terms of traffic planning in that area, will be the subject of two public meetings next week.
October 10, 2024
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Public invited to discuss Stratford Road traffic
MOSES LAKE — Residents of Moses Lake and drivers using state Route 17 are being invited to a series of meetings to discuss future transportation options in the area around SR 17 and Stratford Road. The weeklong process, called a charrette, will start at 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday at the Moses Lake Civic Center, 401 S. Balsam St. Levi Bisnett, design engineer for the city, said the goal is to examine the current and future traffic needs around Stratford Road. “We know we have concerns with our SR 17 and Stratford interchange,” he said on the STUDIO BASIN podcast. “And we reached out to the state via a grant application program to get funds to discuss and design some solutions for the three-foot sidewalks that cross the interchange there. With that award, we were able to expand our footprint to not just focus on that part of town, but a one-mile radius around that location.”