Easton Roylance, left, and Eric Belnap, right, the returning champions of the 2022 Hay Bucking Contest won again at the 2023 Othello Fair Thursday evening, netting them $1000 in prize money.
September 15, 2023
Stories this photo appears in:
September 19, 2023 1:30 a.m.
Moving bales
Hay Bucking Contest returns for 2023 Othello Fair
OTHELLO – Othello Fair attendees lined the North Lawn next to the Adams County Fairgrounds entrance Thursday evening to watch teams of two participants compete in the 2023 Hay Bucking Contest for a chance at the first place $1000 prize. This is the second year the Hay Bucking contest has returned to the Othello Fair after a long absence, said Othello Fair President Becky Flint...