Friday, May 03, 2024
Local legislator Sen. Judy Warnick (R-Moses Lake), center with the white handkerchief, made sure to get her tri-tip and photos with volunteers at the event.

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Beef at the WA Capitol
April 6, 2023 4:09 p.m.

Beef at the WA Capitol

Cattlemen’s Association puts steak on the grill in Olympia

OLYMPIA – A big grill billowed smoke just in front of the steps of the Capitol Building in Olympia Thursday. A line of hungry visitors didn’t let the rain get them down as they looked forward to a traditional Beef Day steak. Every year the Washington Cattlemen's Association holds Beef Day on the Hill. For the event, the Cattlemen’s Association grills tri-tip steak to slice and serve on sandwiches. This year, AB Foods donated 582 pounds of tri-tip from their Toppenish location for Beef Day...