Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Firefighter Brian Russel runs a snowblower Wednesday morning to clear the snow from in front of bays at the city's fire station on Third Avenue. Keeping snow out of the way is part of ensuring first responders can get to those in need of aid.

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Snow management
November 30, 2022 4:22 p.m.

Snow management

Here are how the county and cities manage snow accumulation in Grant County

GRANT CO. - Now that snow has arrived in Grant County, many residents are probably wondering how or why certain streets get plowed, get plowed faster than others or don’t get plowed at all. Each city as well as the county have snow and ice removal procedures. Below you will find those procedures for each city according to their official city website: Grant County Certain roads in the County have a greater volume of traffic and require a higher priority for maintenance to serve the users. The concern of safety, general welfare, and duration of travel...