Sunday, December 15, 2024
Almira Elementary and Middle school students returned to portables earlier this month after a fire in October. The campus will be rebuilt though after area legislators helped secure funding for a new campus.

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Tease photo
March 23, 2022 1:20 a.m.

Almira school to be rebuilt by fall 2023

ALMIRA - There was no school that day. The power was out and people were at home, but then a fire broke out in a building without sprinklers. Almira’s Elementary and Middle School sat on top of the same crawlspace as a school that burned down in the 1950s. Once the flames reached the old open crawl space, the fire spread beneath the building, engulfing it, said Gene Sementi, Almira School Rebuild project manager. “The fire was complete; there wasn’t a book...