Sunday, December 15, 2024
MLHS graduates toss their caps at Friday’s graduation ceremony. Seniors in this graduating class endured two years of the pandemic while taking classes and bravely managed to come out on top with diplomas in hand.

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The last of the Chiefs
June 5, 2022 3:48 p.m.

The last of the Chiefs

MLHS class of 2022 celebrates long tradition of honoring mascot's heritage

MOSES LAKE — The Moses Lake High School class of 2022 was the first to gather for a graduation ceremony on Lions Fields since 2019, before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted social distancing, lockdowns and drive-by graduation ceremonies. It was also the last with the district’s current mascot. “This is the 98th and last class of graduating Chiefs,” said Laurel Knox in a short speech as the Class of 2022’s honor speaker at the commencement ceremony Friday. “We should hold pride in that.” ...