Friday, December 13, 2024
Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Debbie Doran-Martinez (right) presents a donation of $5,000 to Moses Lake Fire Department firefighter and paramedic Mike Miner along with MLFD firefighter and paramedic Jason Pryne (left), Boeing firefighter Casey Yeager and MLFD probationary firefighter Joshua Dietzel in the vehicle bay of the city’s main fire station. The donation will be used to help provide needy kids with clothes and gifts this Christmas, according to Miner.

Stories this photo appears in:

Boeing, chamber team up for gift to firefighter Christmas charity
December 7, 2022 4:59 p.m.

Boeing, chamber team up for gift to firefighter Christmas charity

OLYMPIA — Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced Tuesday he is suing a Federal Way gun retailer for allegedly illegally selling high-capacity gun magazines in violation of state law and is asking a King County Superior Court judge to issue an injunction preventing Federal Way Discount Guns from selling any more high-capacity magazines, according to a press release...