Local News
Need more information regarding today's local news? Here, we'll keep you up to date on everything happening in the Columbia Basin today.
Port of Moses Lake acquires 3 miles of rail
MOSES LAKE — After about two decades of work and three years of negotiation, the Port of Moses Lake took ownership…
Habitat for Humanity to focus on home repairs in 2025
MOSES LAKE — Habitat for Humanity of Greater Moses Lake will focus on repairing existing homes rather than building a new one in 2025.
Scotty’s marks 30 years
MOSES LAKE — It started with an audacious gamble by a 25-year-old mechanic. “I went to (Bill Duncan, who owned an industrial building on Citation Street), …
Inslee proposes 2025 budget
OLYMPIA — Outgoing Washington Governor Jay Inslee delivered his budget proposal for 2025 during a press conference Tuesday, revealing a plan that aims to tackl…
Knights open season at Idaho tournament
ROYAL CITY — Royal kicked off the 2024-25 season with an appearance at the Pro Image Sports Holiday Classic, going 3-0 in its bracket to begin the season on a …
Children go around Ritzville to shop with cops, first responders
RITZVILLE — The children and their escorts fanned out around Ritzville Saturday – checking their budgets, evaluating their options, carefully making their sele…
Attendance, readiness addressed by Othello SD
OTHELLO — Keeping children in school and getting them back in school when they’ve stopped attending were among the topics of an extensive discussion at the Oth…
Basin sports schedule Dec. 18-24
MOSES LAKE — Check out this week’s sports schedule for high school athletics across the Columbia Basin, including bowling, competitive cheerleading, basketball…
Vehicle, snowplow collision Monday morning
EPHRATA — On Monday morning, a 21-year-old from Ephrata, identified as Charles Cole, was driving a 2009 Hyundai Sonata at high speed and lost control on Sagebr…
Mattawa PD searching for shooting suspect
MATTAWA — The Mattawa Police Department released a statement regarding a weapons call Saturday afternoon in the 100 block of Columbia Avenue.
Grant PUD rates to increase in 2025
EPHRATA — Grant County PUD customers will be paying more for electricity in 2025, although not all customers will see the same increase. Utility district commi…
BASIN WRESTLING REPORT: Ephrata wins Warden tourney, Othello takes 15th at Tri-State
MOSES LAKE – Basin wrestlers stayed busy this weekend, traveling to tournaments from Cashmere to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Several teams finished in the top three …
Moses Lake boosts funding for GCAO
MOSES LAKE — Grant County Animal Outreach will receive additional funding for 2024 from the city of Moses Lake and will get an increase in its funding from the…
GCSO joins BlueBridge Alliance to help those in need
EPHRATA – The Grant County Sheriff's Office has joined the BlueBridge Alliance, a nonprofit with the goal of allowing law enforcement officers more options for helping those in a tight spot, according to a GCSO sta…
WA named most bike-friendly state again
OLYMPIA – There is no state more supportive of people who travel by bike than Washington, according to an announcement from the Washington State Department of …
Dancing with the Moses Lake Stars returns in January
MOSES LAKE — There will be some fancy footwork at the Wallenstien Theater Jan. 11, when Dancing with the Moses Lake Stars returns for a second time, according …