Thursday, March 13, 2025

MLHS musicians shine at NCWMEA competition

Staff Writer | February 6, 2025 3:35 AM

MOSES LAKE — The Moses Lake High School choir, piano, guitar and band students showcased their musical talents at the North Central Washington Music Educators Association Regional Solo & Ensemble Competition held Saturday, Jan. 25, in Wenatchee.  

“It's so fun to see representation from so many different schools in the Columbia Basin area,” MLHS Band Director Pablo Hernandez said. “There are always so many students from places that you would never expect. I think the event that we had this year was so great because there was so much excellence on display from so many different schools. It's a representation of the level of music education in our region. I think we all would like to think it is pretty high. The number of state qualifiers and kids that (had) superior and excellent ratings is a representation of that.” 

David Holloway, the choir director at MLHS, expressed pride in the students' accomplishments and noted the significant turnout for the competition. "(It’s) the largest number of students who have chosen to participate in this competition since before COVID,” Holloway wrote in an email to the Columbia Basin Herald.  

Hernandez agreed, saying students are having to learn and rebuild after the pandemic. It’s been a challenge that he is starting to see students overcome — especially in the recent competition.  

“For many of these students, their freshman year to now is really remarkable because they missed out on a really important part of their band experience as young band students,” Hernandez said. “But now they are meeting and exceeding the standard that was set before them. I'm really proud of the kids for all the growth that they've been able to make throughout the last years because it's a process. All these kids work for a number of years to perform well at the competition. So I think that's the coolest part, is that in spite of having the pandemic and all of these crazy, wild things, the students are really achieving and keeping the standard that was set by Moses Lake students of the past and achieving success on their own.” 

Competing against other students in the region, MLHS students achieved 16 excellent ratings and 24 superior ratings from the judges. Judges at the competition grade students on a scale of one to five. One is the highest-scoring students with a superior rating. Two is slightly lower scoring with excellent ratings.  

“We don't really talk to the kids that much about ‘Okay, if you got a superior, you did well. If you got an excellent score, you did less well,’” Hernandez said. “But both of those are the highest scores that you can get, and so it's a really good indicator of the students' preparation that they went in and did really well.” 

Superior ratings for students included Samantha Nelson, Emma Thompson, Divine Maltos and Baylee Bates.  

Excellent ratings from MLHS included Diego Rivera, Christian Hernandez, Alessandra Bermudez, Emma Thompson, Audrey Chesley, James Dekker, Hadlie Cox, Kallie Dale, James Dekker, Bradford Shelton, Alexis Preston and Griffin Johnson.  

“All of these musicians worked really hard to prepare their pieces with me for weeks leading up to the event, both during lunch and after school,” Holloway wrote. “Although many have performed at this competition before, there were many first-timers as well, which is exciting.” 

Those who qualified for state competitions in April include Pedro Balderas (baritone), Peter Martin (bass), Elijah Legault (guitar), James Dekker (soprano), Alli Hines, (soprano), Kaleb Stanberry (tenor), Molly Hanover (flute), Edwin Ulloa and Sparrow Skinner (small woodwinds), Cosmo Griffith Steele (trombone) and Sparrow Skinner (bassoon).  

“I've known all those students, most of them for a long time,” Hernandez said. “I think the most inspiring part is that a lot of students have to overcome some significant personal challenges in order to deliver the great performances that they did. So that's why I would say to those kids that I'm really proud of them overcoming the challenges that are beyond the music and still delivering a great performance.” 

Those who qualified as first alternatives for state include: Emree Andre (alto), Edwin Ulloa (piano), Dash Luiter (oboe), Molly Hanover and Baylee Bates (small woodwinds), Samantha Nelson (tenor saxophone), Ellie Villalobos (alto saxophone) and Kallie Dale (euphonium). 

Second alternatives for state include: Teagan Burns (flute), Julia Heaps (alto) Elisabela Villalobos (soprano) and Caitlin Penner and Jaeley McHargue (small ensemble).  

Holloway emphasized the importance of personal growth over competition results.  

“I really try to encourage my students to focus on the process and personal growth they make rather than the scores,” Holloway wrote. “If they walk away feeling like they grew as a musician and gained more confidence in their voice and ability, that's what's important.”  

The state competition is in Ellensburg on April 25-26. 

    Moses Lake High School choir, guitar, piano and band students competed in the North Central Washington Music Educators Association Regional Solo & Ensemble Competition Jan. 25 in Wenatchee.