LETTER: It only takes a moment to make an impact
Less than five minutes of your time can change the lives of thousands of our Moses Lake students for years to come. The Moses Lake School District Levy election voting is open now and continues until February 11.
The levy funds programs that are important to our students, but not funded adequately by the state. Moses Lake is just one of two communities in the state that did not approve a levy for 2025. Our students deserve better than that.
Completing the ballot is not a complicated process. Simply open the ballot envelope mailed to you by the county auditor. Remove the ballot and complete it. This won’t take long because the levy is the only item on the ballot. After filling in the oval for the “yes” vote, return your ballot to the security envelope and place that envelope into the return self-addressed envelope. Seal the envelope, sign your name, and date the envelope. Then you can either mail it and it’s already postage paid or drop it at the ballot return box behind ML City Hall.
Our students deserve a good education, and a well-educated community is good for business and growth. Our “yes” vote is beneficial to us all.
Please join me in voting yes and returning your ballot before February 11.
PJ De Benedetti
Moses Lake
Editor’s Note: Regardless of how you vote in this or any election, make sure the postmark will be applied before dropping it in the mail. Many of the mail pick-up boxes, the blue ones on street corners or the general drop in the post office, don’t lead to an immediate postmark. If you’re mailing the ballot in, take it to the desk in the post office to get it postmarked on the spot or drop it in the ballot drop box at the Moses Lake Civic Center located at 321 Balsam Steet in downtown. The Columbia Basin Herald does not endorse any candidate or action outside of those associated with the First Amendment, but we do endorse all of our readers’ participation in the electoral process. Please vote.