Thursday, October 17, 2024

LETTER: Sessler's stance on taxes

| October 17, 2024 1:25 AM

To the editor; 

I’m sure many of you have seen the Newhouse commercials on TV and have received the postcards in the mail. (They state) that Jerrod Sessler is supporting a 30% national sales tax. The idea of a national sales tax is not new.  

There was a bill proposed in Congress, H.R. 25 Fair Tax Act of 2023. The federal income tax would be stopped. The states would be responsible for retrieving those taxes. I’ve been working with Jerrod on his campaign, and he has never endorsed adding another tax burden to the citizens in Grant County and doesn’t plan to.  

States use sales tax to get their revenue. The federal government gets its revenue from federal income taxes. He wants to lower the tax burden on all income levels.  

In my experience working with Jerrod in this campaign, his number one focus has been on making everything better for everyone. He loves our country and the Constitution and wants to protect it. He won’t play any games, and he is the congressman we need.

Please vote for Jerrod Sessler for the 4th Congressional District on November 5th.

Susan Stolsig
Moses Lake 

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