Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Adams Co. commission candidate would focus public safety

Staff Writer | October 2, 2024 1:44 AM

RITZVILLE — David Lobe of Ritzville said he’s running for Adams County Commissioner to address what he considers public safety needs. Lobe said that to him, two issues are paramount. 

“My number one first priority – very passionate on this – is reopening the Adams County Jail,” he said. “(And) the condition of our roadways, in my opinion, is a huge concern.” 

Lobe is running against incumbent Dan Blankenship, also of Ritzville. An interview with Blankenship was published Sept. 25. 

The jail closed in May 2022 after an inmate and a corrections deputy were seriously injured during an altercation with another inmate. Lobe said he’s concerned about the jail closure, and that county residents who have talked to him are too. 

“They do not feel like the current situation is acceptable,” Lobe said. “Even the criminals. They don’t believe there will be any repercussions for their actions. It’s almost like a catch-and-release program – that should only be used for fishing, not repeat offenders. And that’s how it is when you have a closed jail. 

“The serious offenders, they are taken to jail – in our situation now, officers are taking them to outside agencies. Which is fine, because we cannot maintain them in our current status,” he said. 

Lobe said he worked as a corrections deputy with the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, and that maintenance and operation are continuing concerns.  

“The only recent maintenance on our jail in in this past two and half years was the roof, which was a temporary repair to the current building. We were told there’s no money available to remodel the jail and bring it up to operational standards. I disagree with that wholeheartedly,” he said. 

County officials should be researching any grants available for law enforcement operations and applying for them if Adams County qualifies, he said. County officials also could apply for low-interest loans, he said. 

The lack of a jail facility in Adams County makes law enforcement more difficult, he said. In his opinion, the existing jail is suitable for limited use. He estimated the ACSO has seven corrections deputies, once all current candidates complete their training. 

“You could absolutely run a jail, if you use it like a short-term holding facility for non-violent criminals. Obviously, the violent criminals would still be transported, and we’d still go through this process until our jail is remodeled up to standards where we can house violent offenders, or we just start over and build a brand new jail in Othello, which makes sense,” he said.  

The Othello area is a good candidate for a new jail, he said, since most of Adams County’s population lives in or around Othello. 

Lobe said he does not think county roads are being properly maintained. 

“I truly believe our locations in Adams County have been completely neglected,” he said. “We have school bus routes. We have people going to work on those roads. There’s no reason we can’t do a better job with that.” 

Lobe said in his opinion management of the road department by the commissioners has been inadequate.  

“It’s not funding, it’s not manpower. It’s a lack of leadership, accountability and experienced operators,” he said. 

In his opinion, there are, he said, different standards for different people. 

“Guys get comfortable with the situation. There’s no accountability,” he said. “It comes directly from micromanagement and supervisors not doing the appropriate job. And there is a handbook on procedures, and none of it, in my opinion, is being followed. So it’s merely getting these guys to do what they were hired to do.” 

The commissioners should intervene if a department under their jurisdiction, Public Works in this case, is not performing to commission standards, he said. But that does not mean replacing existing staff. 

“It’s merely assessments, maybe work evaluations, documentation. Do it like a business – document everything, and you can fall upon that to expand and get better at your job,” he said.  

He's been focusing on those two issues, he said, and didn’t have comments on some of the other issues affecting Adams County. He would support pursuing additional grants to expand broadband access throughout the county, he said. 

“I’m still the newcomer. But I will say this. I don’t claim to know everything, but I surround myself with the smartest people I know, and I listen to them,” he said.