Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Washington crop update

| March 27, 2024 1:20 AM

The information below was provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in its March 26 Crop Progress and Condition report provided by the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Olympia. For more information about ag statistics, the USDA’s NASS may be reached at 800-727-9540.

Western Washington saw an earlier spring than usual, with blossoms emerging earlier. After a cold snap, blossoms bounced back, and pollinators were out, but many brassicas were killed due to the cold. Fields were still wet, although a few farmers tilled some ground last week. In central Washington, temperatures were above normal. Native grasses started greening up, and fields were drying out for possible field activity. Calving was going well with no problems. In Yakima County, fields were greening up in the Yakima Valley, from cover crops to grass hays. Rivers and streams were running low compared to last spring. Hop yards were strung for the upcoming season. Most vegetable fields had been prepared, tilled, hilled, and were ready for planting. Pear orchards were white from the dormant applications applied to ward off insects. Apple and cherry orchards received delayed dormant sprays of insecticides and horticultural oils for overwintering aphids, scales, and mites. Precocious cherry blocks were already showing pink as the flower florets began to extend. Apricots were showing a weak flower bloom. In East-Central Washington, producers experienced moderate springtime weather, temperatures had warmed up, and some counties saw rainfall. Northeastern Washington did not see much rain, but temperatures rose. In southeast Washington, the snowpack was light, and dry conditions continued.