Friday, July 26, 2024

Legals for March, 27 2024

| March 27, 2024 12:00 AM

PUBLIC NOTICE The East Columbia Basin Irrigation District is accepting bids for PIPE-86.4-01. Sealed bids must be received at the East District’s main office located at 55 N. 8th Ave., Othello, WA 99344, no later than 3:00 PM PST on Friday, March 29, 2024. For more information, contact the East District’s purchasing department at the address above or by telephone at (509) 331-5615. #03065/20639 Pub: March 15, 20 & 27, 2024

PUBLIC NOTICE The East Columbia Basin Irrigation District is accepting bids for PIPE-86.4-02. Sealed bids must be received at the East District’s main office located at 55 N. 8th Ave., Othello, WA 99344, no later than 3:30 PM PST on Friday, March 29, 2024. For more information, contact the East District’s purchasing department at the address above or by telephone at (509) 331-5615. #03066/20643 Pub: March 15, 20 & 27, 2024

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD April 2, 2024, at  3:15 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a budget extension request from Development Services from Beginning Fund Balance in the amount of $50,000.00 (001.000) to Professional Services (001.111) for the proposed Water Mitigation Banking Program. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is also providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (2488 506 9525) password (26220277), you will be joined to the meeting in a ‘muted’ status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner’s Office in advance of the hearing. Brittany E. Lutz, Deputy Clerk of the Board  Grant County Commissioners #03069/20662 Pub: March 20 & 27, 2024

City of Mattawa  Notice of Public Hearing Name of Applicant: City of Mattawa Project: Mattawa PROS Plan  Date of Public Hearing: March 28th, 2024 at 5:00pm Description of Proposed Project Action and Permits: The PROS Plan is a planning document, which was developed for the City of Mattawa by SCJ alliance. The Plan documents the City’s existing parks, recreation, and open space and makes suggestions on short-term and long-term parks improvements across the city. The Plan proposes improvements to the City’s park system and guides operational procedures to improve the level of service and improve deficiencies. Other Permits Not Included, To the Extent Known: SEPA Checklist, Subsequent PROS related development not yet planned. Threshold Determination: The City of Mattawa has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS). An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21.C.030.(2)(c). The decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public upon request. Requested Approvals, Actions and/or Required Studies: A Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan requires a Public Hearing before the City Council and approval of the City Council. Any studies produced related to this application can be reviewed in City Hall at 521 Government Rd or by request. Statement of Public Comment Period: The fourteen (14) day comment period commences on March 14th, 2024 and lasts through March 28th, 2024th. Any interested person/party has the right to comment on the proposal, receive notice of and participate in any hearing, request a copy of the decision once it is made and may appeal the decision subject to the requirements of Title 17. Notice of Public Hearing: Pursuant to Mattawa Municipal Code Title 17 a public hearing is scheduled to hear public comment on the PROS Plan. The public is invited to attend and provide comment on this proposal. The Public Hearing is scheduled on March 28th. 2024 at 5:00pm at Mattawa City Hall at 521 Government Rd or via Zoom.   City Contact Person: To provide public comment or for further information about this project, please contact Jazmin Hernandez at 509-932-4037 or or Rachelle Bradley, Planner (509)-835-3770 ext. 344 or  Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 8577 7050 Passcode: 460073 #03072/20718 Pub: March 20 & 27, 2024

NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITIONS FOR ADDITION OF LANDS TO MOSES LAKE IRRIGATION AND REHABILITATION DISTRICT PURSUANT TO RCW 87.03, et seq. The following listed Petitioners have filed Petitions for Addition of Land to Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (“District”) pursuant to  RCW 87.03, et seq. wherein said Petitioners seek to amend the boundaries Of the District to include the following parcel of property:   Petitioner’s Name    Parcel No. Assessor’s Legal   Antonio & Tonya Cuellar      111885103     Lot 3 Block 1 Westlake Shores Phase II                                                 GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON        All persons interested in matters related to the Petition or that may be affected by such change of the boundaries of the District, shall appear at the offices of the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District, 932 East Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, Washington, at 7:00 p.m. on April 9, 2024, and show cause in writing why the change in the boundaries of the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District, to include the above described property, as stated in the Petition, should not be made.    Failure to attend the above-described hearing and show cause in writing, any objections to the additions of said property shall be deemed an assent to the proposed addition. Dated this 14th day of March 2024 “Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District” By: Beth Yonko Secretary to the Board of Directors #04011/20731 Pub: March 20, 27, 2024 & April 3, 2024

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County at 14352 Highway 243 S Building 6 Beverly, Washington 99321 no later than 11:30 A.M. on April 18, 2024 for Carlton Acclimation Facility - New Wells Phase 2 as more fully described in Contract Documents 430-12245.  On the above date, the Bids will be opened and read aloud via Microsoft Teams. All bids shall be subject to and shall comply with the “Instructions to Bidders” contained in the Contract Documents, copies of which are available at our ProcureWare site When reaching this site you will need to register as a new vendor if you are not already on our electronic vendor system.   Public Utility District No. 2  of Grant County, Washington By: Rebecca Diaz Procurement Officer #03086/20986 Pub: March 27, 2024

SUMMARY ORDINANCE 24-694 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 18.12 TITLED “CRITICAL AREAS” OF THE MATTAWA MUNICIAPL CODE  For a complete copy of this ordinance, please contact Mattawa City Hall. #03087/21057 Pub: March 27, 2024