Saturday, February 08, 2025

LETTER: Library a safe place with unique resources

| July 31, 2024 1:15 AM

Dear Editor,  

I was disheartened after hearing the misinformation shared at the Moses Lake City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 23. As the Supervising Librarian of the Moses Lake Public Library and a lifelong resident of Grant County, I felt compelled to respond publicly.  

My team of library professionals shows up daily with a passion for providing excellent public library service and contributing to Moses Lake’s health and vitality. We do not tolerate disruptive or disrespectful behavior in the library, let alone illegal or criminal activity.   

When you stop by the library, you will see various community members of different ages and backgrounds represented. On any given day, you will see English language learners being taught by a local volunteer. You will see teens playing games and adults with special needs enjoying storytime.   

You will also see individuals experiencing homelessness. They might be using our bathrooms and computers, getting a water bottle or simply sitting in a comfortable chair, enjoying a reprieve from the weather and utilizing the Wi-Fi.  

The library provides a safe place with few barriers for the most vulnerable people in our community. We are proud to serve as a lifeline, offering empathy and honoring the dignity of everyone who walks through our doors. We regularly connect visitors with resources and community partners who can help. This work matters. It is incredibly meaningful. But it can be challenging.  

Over the past few years, there has been an increase in illegal activity in Moses Lake, including the property surrounding the library known as Civic Center Park. As a result, we have seen a significant increase in Code of Conduct violations and have given more trespass notices. My staff enforces the Code of Conduct within the library. We do not have jurisdiction outside the library building.   

NCW Libraries recently installed additional safety cameras and is working with a private security service. The City of Moses Lake’s departments, such as facilities, fire, parks, recreation & cultural services, and police, have been critical partners in our efforts to keep staff and patrons safe. We are grateful for their ongoing support!  

But we need more help. These issues are not only persisting but growing. We need city leaders to understand the library’s role, impact, and value. We need a strong coalition of partners to collaborate on effective, long-term solutions.   

Rather than disparaging the library and its staff, we need our community leaders to listen, learn, and find practical ways to address these issues. This is the Moses Lake City Council’s duty to its citizens.  

I am eager to talk with anyone about the library and our work. Please call the library during open hours at 509-765-3489 or email me anytime at I also encourage you to visit the Moses Lake Library and connect with us.  


Austin J. Foglesong, Supervising Librarian II
Moses Lake Public Library