Ephrata School Board looking for applicants
EPHRATA – The Ephrata School District is still looking for applicants for the open school board position. Director Anita Waller stepped down from her position Nov. 25.
The board is looking for someone to fill the rest of Waller’s term which expires at the end of 2025.
Applicants must be United States citizens, be a qualified voter and live within the boundaries of Director District 3.
Applications for the position are due Jan. 3, 2025. Candidates must provide a one-page biographical sketch or resume with information on why they want to serve on the board.
The school board is anticipating the Oath of Office for the applicant will occur at the Jan. 27 or the Feb. 24 regular school board meeting.
For those interested in learning more visit: https://bit.ly/EphrataBoard.