Monday, January 13, 2025

LETTER: Support MLSD levy for the future

| April 19, 2024 2:17 PM

Dear Editor,

I have lived in Moses Lake most of my life. I grew up attending schools in Moses Lake from kindergarten through Big Bend. I received a great education and was able to raise my family to become successful, productive adults.

We are again faced with an opportunity to support the future with a positive vote for the MLSD levy. I'll tell you why I am supporting this levy. Moses Lake is currently experiencing new cutting-edge technology that will positively and radically change the future, not just in Moses Lake but will impact the whole world. These new businesses, as well as current businesses, need a well-trained, highly-educated workforce. This levy will provide essential, not “elective,” services that will prepare Moses Lake for an exciting and challenging future. The successful levy will keep our school safe and healthy. It will provide counselors, school nurses, and librarians at every school and support our after-school programs including athletics.

Communities either grow and change, looking towards the future, or fight change, stagnate, fade away and die. There is no greater duty that we have than to invest in our youth helping them prepare for a successful future. This levy, although influenced by actions of past school boards, is about the future. This levy is about current faculty, staff and leadership and the opportunities that our students face as they prepare for those family-wage jobs. Several of my former students, I’m pleased to say, are in leadership roles throughout Moses Lake. We have an opportunity, helping the next generation carry on as leaders of an exciting future. If we fail to pass this levy there will be difficult and painful cuts across the entire district. Please vote yes for the Moses Lake School levy.

Jon Lane

Moses Lake