Wednesday, January 15, 2025

WSDA local food chain grant application opens

Staff Report | April 4, 2024 7:24 PM

OLYMPIA — According to a recent announcement, the Washington State Department of Agriculture is offering $2 million in grants to support local food supply chains and market access for farms, ranches, food processors and food distributors. 

Derek Sandison, Director of the Washington State Department of Agriculture, commented on the grants. 

“Small farms, ranches, and food business entrepreneurs play an important role in maintaining Washington’s vibrant and robust local food system,” he said. 

The statement said the WSDA Local Food System Infrastructure grants are designed to expand and strengthen collaboration across linkages in Washington’s regional food supply chain. Applications are now open and are due April 17.

According to the announcement, the grants are available to farmers, ranchers, food businesses and nonprofit, tribal and government organizations that aggregate, process, manufacture, transport, store or sell foods that have been grown, caught or raised in Washington state.

Grant amounts range from $10,000 to $75,000, the statement said. Grant awards will be based on the proposed project’s alignment with the purpose of the grant and achievability within the grant period. Grant funds can be used for planning, equipment and facilities that support on-farm post-harvest handling, aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, distribution and sale of locally and regionally produced food products.

For complete details on the grant guidelines and to apply, visit or email