Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Letter: Coaching character

| May 2, 2023 12:50 PM

Dear editor,

Regarding coaches Rudy Ochoa and Mike Jensen.

The awesome thing about Rudy and Mike is and was that it was always about the girls and not

about the platitudes they received as coaches and it was way more than coaching, unless of

course. coaching includes character building and leading by example.

I estimate in their careers these men touched the lives of at least 1000 young people and made them better adults because of their influence. These are gifts that are intangible, but these gifts of character can never be taken away. You can't buy these gifts so there are no thanks big enough and great enough to thank these gentlemen for their service. Our young ladies, their families and friends have been blessed immeasurably.

Thanks guys! As a friend of mine would say, “You are too many!”

Sincerely yours,

Charles Wheaton, Ph.D.

Walla Walla, WA