Thursday, December 12, 2024

Legals for June, 15 2023

| June 15, 2023 12:00 AM

Notice of Application, Proposed MDNS, June 15, 2023 Notice is hereby given that a Site Plan Review Application and SEPA Checklist were received by Grant County on April 28, 2023 from Weitao Qin, 35228 Snoqualmie Pkwy, Snoqualmie, WA 98065, and were found to be Technically Complete on June 9, 2023. Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used.] This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES:1. The landowners/applicants are responsible to determine if any other permits and/or licenses will   be required by other local, state, and federal agencies. The landowners/applicants shall acquire    all such permits and/or licenses as required. 2. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be utilized as necessary during development and implementation of this proposal in order to minimize temporary disturbances to the subject      area, to lessen the risk of erosion, and to stabilize the site during construction. Proper erosion    and sediment control practices must be used to prevent upland sediments from entering surface water. Dust and emissions to the air will be controlled by using water on-site for dust control as needed. 3. All development shall be installed in such a manner to prevent run-off from the site from entering adjoining properties. Surface water run-off must be contained and absorbed on-site. 4. The proposed development shall not inflict upon adjacent land(s) smoke, dust, glare, dirt, steam, vibration, noise, electrical interference, excessive hazards, odors, or pollution, which exceeds applicable local, state, or federal standards. PROJECT: A Site Plan Review and SEPA Checklist to allow the construction of 15-                         11, 500 +/- square foot indoor cannabis production steel framed buildings, which are anticipated to be 18 feet in height. The proposed project is located on a 10 acre parcel in the Agriculture zoning district The location currently contains a non-conforming cannabis growing operation of both indoor and outdoor growing production. Upon approval of this facility, the outdoor growing area will be discontinued. The facility will contain 10 parking spaces and 26 feet wide access roads. The project will be served by one (1) exempt domestic well. The growing system will utilize drip irrigation and recovery of waste water sources. The property is currently contains small out buildings and a residence, that will be utilized to support the proposed indoor grow operation on a 10-acre parcel. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The subject parcel is located at 5735 Rd L SE Moses Lake, WA, south of Moses Lake. Further described as being in the Southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 18 North, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and Grant County, WA. Farm Unit 234 Block 42. Parcel #19-0930-005. ZONING: Agriculture (AG).  ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Building Permits, SEPA Environmental Checklist.  PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files P23-0135 and P23-0136) are available from Kent Ziemer, (, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2538. Office hours: 8 am to 5 pm, M–F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on June 30, 2023. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, electronic email or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials.  #06034/10271 Pub: June 15, 2023

Notice of Application and Preliminary SEPA Decision  Date of Notice:  May 24, 2023   Project Name:   PLN 2022-0034 Nelson Rd - Sapphire Homes Planned  Development District and Preliminary Major Subdivision   Physical Address of Property:  NNA S Eastlake Dr / W Nelson Rd / S Division St, Moses  Lake, WA   Applicant Contact:   Evan Tremaine, PE - Project Engineer   Mailing Address (Applicant): AHBL, Inc   601 W Main Avenue   Suite 305   Spokane, WA 99201   Owner:   Sapphire Homes Inc.   Attn: Troy Schmeil   16805 SE 43rd Court   Bellevue, WA 98006   File Number:  PLN 2022-0034 Application Submitted: April 29, 2022   Notices of Incomplete:  April 29, 2022   June 2, 2022, September 19, 2022, October 28, 2022,  March 15, 2023 (e-mail), February 22, 2023 (meeting and  e-mail), and April 7, 2023.  Notice of Completion:  May 17, 2023 Comment Due Date:  JUNE 13, 2023 Updated Due Date: JUNE 30,2023 Project Location:  A portion of the west ½ of the northwest ¼ of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 28 East Willamette Meridian in City of Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington. Assessor’s Parcel No. 110050000. Project Description: An application for a Planned Development District (PDD) and Preliminary  Major Subdivision for the creation of 101 residential lots within an R-3 zone on 12.09 acre vacant  land in the City of Moses Lake. The project is proposing a PDD to increase project density with  reduction in lot size, reduced setbacks (with shared walls) and alley access (for a portion of the  project). Additional project items will include roadway construction, stormwater management and  utility extensions to serve the project. The property is located within a portion of the west ½ of the northwest ¼ of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 28 East Willamette Meridian in City of  Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington and identified as Assessor’s Parcel No. 110050000.  Required Studies: Traffic Impact Analysis, Geotechnical Engineering Report, and other studies,  as determined by the City of Moses Lake.  Required/Existing Environmental Documents: The City of Moses Lake has reviewed the  proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Mitigated  Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for this project which includes, but is not limited to: Traffic, Trails / Connectivity, Emergency Services, and Parks and Recreation. The optional MDNS  process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This may be your only opportunity to comment on  the environmental impacts of the proposed project. No significant adverse environmental impacts  have been identified. The project review process may include additional mitigation measures  under applicable codes.   Preliminary Determination of Consistency: The City will regulate impacts consistent with the  Moses Lake Municipal Code, and other local, state, and federal laws or rules. These laws and  rules should provide adequate analysis of the impacts of this project.    Required Permits: Planned Development District, Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision, and  associated construction / infrastructure permits and/or approval.   Public Comment/Review/Appeals: The public and other agencies with jurisdiction are  encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable impacts. This may  be your only opportunity to comment on the proposed project. The comment period  ends June 13, 2023. Comment Period Extended to 06/30/23. For more information,  contact the project planner at the City of Moses Lake, Community Development Department.  Submit written comments to Nathan Pate AICP, by phone at (509)764-3752, e-mail at or by mail at City of Moses Lake, Community Development Department,  321 S. Balsam, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA 98837. Copies of the information related to  this application are available for review at no charge.  #06035/10290 Pub: June 15, 2023

SUMMARY ORDINANCE 23-684 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS KNOWN AS THE BODRERO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF MATTAWA For a complete copy of this ordinance, please contact Mattawa City Hall. To be published in the Columbia Basin Herald on June 15, 2023 #06036/10301 Pub: June 15, 2023