Sunday, February 09, 2025

Warden school board mulling student reps

Staff Writer | June 10, 2023 3:02 PM

WARDEN — The Warden School Board is considering adding two student members to the district’s governing body this fall.

“The board of directors really recognizes the value of student representation and student input as we’re conducting daily business on behalf of the school district,” Superintendent Scott West said during a first read of a proposed policy.

West said the proposed policy, which would still need to be approved by the board at a future meeting, would allow the board to name one junior and one senior to the board, with the junior staying on the board for two years until graduation and the board naming a new student representative every school year.

Interested students would submit an application to the board, West said. If chosen, they would be required to attend all meetings and would be the board’s liaison to the Associated Student Body, the superintendent said, but would not be allowed to vote and would not attend executive sessions.

“And it gives us more of an insight of what’s happening with students,” said Board Member Kassandra Campos.

Warden High School Athletic Director Brent Cox said student involvement in the hiring of a new football coach last year was helpful.

“Having kids on the board would be nice. You get their perspective,” he said.

The board will consider the measure again at a future meeting.

Shane Cox has joined the board as its newest member, replacing Doug Skone, who resigned earlier this year. Cox was sworn in at the board’s late May meeting and is a farmer and rancher in the Warden area.

“There was a vacancy, and I was willing to fill the term,” Shane Cox said when asked why he wanted to be on the board.

Charles H. Featherstone can be reached at