Thursday, March 06, 2025

Francis Oren ‘Buzz’ King

| July 26, 2023 9:44 AM

July 2, 1943 – June 8, 2023

Buzz, 79, was born in Nampa, Idaho, one of six children of Francis S. King and Rose Marie McGuire King. Early in life his family lived in Owyhee County and later moved to Nampa where Buzz attended and graduated from High school. A part of his heart will forever belong to Owyhee County where great-grandparents, grandparents and parents were homesteaders.

After high school he went into the National Guard during the Berlin Crisis. Upon his return he made several attempts at finding his career, working at a gas station and in insurance, and wiring panels at Boeing. After moving back to Caldwell, Idaho he became a journeyman electrician belonging to the IBEW at Dry Lake Electric in Nampa, Idaho. One afternoon he saw the line crews coming in and decided that was for him! He borrowed a pair of climbing hooks and went home to practice climbing poles. He soon became a journeyman lineman.

In 1978, after years of traveling the country working for contractors, he moved his family to Ephrata, Washington and went to work for the Grant County PUD. He became a foreman with an “elite” crew that worked on the high-voltage lines all over the county. They were proud to do a job in less time than scheduled but with safety in mind. There are several linemen who honed their skills working for Buzz over the years. Memories of putting in a day’s work for a day’s pay and having fun doing it. Buzz always had the ratepayers’ best interests in mind when doing a job, saving them money every chance he got. He never forgot who paid the bills. He took his crew and their wives out to dinner at Christmas time to show his appreciation for their work ethic.

In 1986 Buzz married Kathie Weber Milbrandt and decided to race horses in his spare time, first quarter Horses and then thoroughbreds. They raised many winners and had a few WTBA year-end awards.

Buzz is survived by his wife Kathie; his stepchildren Buck Milbrandt and Kerri Adler (Steve); his first wife Joanna Smith (Marvin); their three children LeAnn Smith (Michael), Christopher King and Jesse King; five grandchildren and sisters Karen Richards and Peggy Prieto.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his sisters Jaqueline Taylor and Una May Carnell and his brother Edwin Earl King.

“Time is a thief and is so unfair...but it cannot erase the memories of how much we share.”

There will be a celebration of life 12-3 p.m. Oct. 14, 2023, at the George Community Hall.