Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Letter: Water restrictions in Moses Lake

| July 10, 2023 10:17 AM

I read with great concern the Moses Lake City Council’s voting to make summer water restrictions year-round restrictions, including new rules pertaining to water leaks, and prohibiting “washing a vehicle with a hose that’s not fitted with a shut-off nozzle and allowing water from washing vehicles or pavement to go into the city stormwater system.”

I agree wholeheartedly with Council Member David Skaug’s remark: “I think the whole thing stinks.” It does stink and causes me to wonder what’s next, “Water Police?”

However, Mr. Skaug lost all credibility with me with this statement: “I think we’re asking the public, the little people, to bear the crunch of this.”

“The little people?” Seriously, Mr. Skaug, is that how you perceive your constituents, as “little people?”

Diane Thomas
