Sunday, February 16, 2025

Newhouses accept sign for father’s namesake

Staff Writer | February 16, 2023 5:35 PM

OLYMPIA - In anticipation for the destruction of the Irv Newhouse building early next month, Congressman Dan Newhouse and family were presented with the sign bearing his father’s name that used to hang on the building.

According to the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services, the Newhouse Building was built as a temporary structure in 1934. The website states it is beyond its useful life, its structural systems do not meet code and it has significant health and life safety hazards. The building is in the process of being replaced through the Newhouse Replacement Project. It is expected to be completed in Nov 2024.

Dan, along with his sister and brother-in-law, was in Olympia Wednesday to accept the Irv Newhouse Building sign that was removed from the outside of the building.

An article by the Associated Press when Irv passed away in 2001 said Irv “earned a reputation as a brilliant parliamentarian and skilled negotiator during his 34 years in the state Legislature.”

His political career spans from being elected to the Washington House in 1964 and appointed to the Senate in 1980 to serving as the Senate Republican floor leader from 1988 to 1996. Irv was was Senate president pro tempore from 1996 until he retired in 1998.

Rebecca Pettingill may be reached at



The Irv Newhouse Building sign was removed in anticipation of its demolition and given to the Newhouse family.