Thursday, March 06, 2025

LaVerne Marie (Shetler) Horst

| December 12, 2023 3:01 PM

LaVerne passed away peacefully at home surrounded by members of her family. She was born in Cheraw, Colo., the second in a family of 11 children born to Milton & Ada (Miller) Shetler. 

The family moved to Hesston, Kansas in 1930 so the children could attend school there. She graduated from Hesston High School in 1937. 

LaVerne was married to Frank Horst of Peabody, Kan., in August 1940. In 1941, they moved to Culp, Ark., where Frank began as pastor to the congregation at Bethel Springs Mennonite Church. 

Seven children were born in Arkansas — Annada & Dick Pedersen, Eugene, Ore.; Karen (deceased) & Daryle Haury (deceased), Salem, Ore.; Salome Horst, Spokane, Wash.; Tim (deceased) & Debbie Horst, Phoenix, Ariz.; Phyllis & Curt Dorsing, Othello, Wash.; Ferne & Jim Flaming (deceased), Terrebonne, Ore.; and Patricia & Bob Tilden, Moscow, Idaho. 

In Arkansas, the family began singing together at home which expanded to singing for churches and hospitals. 

They moved to Hubbard, Ore., in 1960, where Frank co-pastored at Meadowbrook Community Church. In churches along the way from Arkansas to Oregon the family gave programs of singing and Frank preached. More family programs were given in churches in the Willamette Valley during the next three years. 

In 1963, the family moved to Filer, Idaho, where Frank pastored Faith Memorial Church. In 1967, they moved to Warden, Wash., when Frank was called to pastor Warden Mennonite Church. He retired in 1978. They later lived near Newport, Wash., (Spring Valley Mennonite Church) and Aberdeen, Idaho (Aberdeen Mennonite Church), while Frank was interim pastor. 

LaVerne enjoyed traveling by car, backpacking and camping, bicycle trips with family and hiking down into the Grand Canyon. She has been in most of the states as well as Canada, Mexico, Bolivia and Peru. 

Since 1976, the annual Horst family reunion has been held at various campgrounds around the northwest. 

In 2012, LaVerne moved from her home in Warden to live beside Curt & Phyllis on their farm. Since then, the annual camping reunions have been held in their back yard where LaVerne could be a part and catch up with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

She enjoyed playing the piano and singing, tending her flowers and vegetables around the house. She kept busy with sewing projects and watching the hummingbirds. In later life when walking became more difficult she stopped gardening and started putting together puzzles while continuing her practice of reading good books. 

She lived independently in her own home until the last few weeks of her life. LaVerne was a blessing and inspiration to her family, and her joyful spirit and positive outlook on life were greatly appreciated! 

Memorials can be sent to Assured Hospice, 1417 S. Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837 or American Bible Society, 101 N. Independence Mall East, FL8, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2155

Prov. 31 says it well — “Her worth is far above jewels, 

Her children rise up and bless her: her husband also ...

A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

A memorial service will be held June 15, 2024, at 11 a.m. at Warden Community Church in Warden, Wash.