Thursday, March 06, 2025

Hot sand in the Columbia Basin

by Caleb Perez/Special to the Herald
| April 3, 2023 1:55 AM

MOSES LAKE — Over the weekend local ATV/ORV enthusiast group the Sand Scorpions hosted an event out at the sand dunes called the Run What You Brung Sand Drags, a free off roading event where anyone with a capable machine or vehicle could come and race the dunes.

Sand Scorpions member Brandon Douglass said as many as 1,000 people were either riding out on their vehicles or just there to enjoy watching others show off their toys. There were all sorts of different vehicles from trucks to side-by-sides and plenty of custom vehicles, he said.

Riders Garrett Blauert on his vehicle “Butch” and Brian Hesse driving the “Dirty Dog II” were able to put on the fastest race of the day with Blauert coming out on top, Douglass said.

“Perfect spring weather allowed for a very successful Sand Drags event, with over 400 total sand drag races occurring over a three-and-a-half-hour period,” Douglass explained. “Lots of quality racing, smiles everywhere and tons of fun.”

The Sand Scorpions look to continue this success with events they have planned in the upcoming future, he said. On April 8 the Scorpions are planning their annual Easter egg hunt, which is set to begin at noon with over 20,000 eggs expected to be hidden around the eastern end of Sand Dunes Beach, Douglass said.

On April 29, Douglass said the Scorpions also have planned a Douglas Creek day trip and on May 27 they will hold their Off-Road Bash, which is set to include an air competition, more sand drags and live music.

For more information on the Sand Scorpions, email or call 509-431-4463.


Courtesy Photo Sand Scorpions

There were off-road machines of many different types to be seen at the event and participating in the races.


Courtesy Photo Sand Scorpions

Lyle Labes grooms the race track with the club tractor getting everything ready for the big event.