Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Legals for November, 22 2022

| November 22, 2022 12:00 AM

PUBLIC NOTICE - The November meeting of the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County will be held Tuesday, November 29, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in-person at the Bureau of Reclamation building, 32 C St NW, Room 304B, Ephrata, WA, and via Webex. Please call (509) 237-4567 ahead of the meeting time for remote attendance instructions. Meeting updates will be posted on our website at . Signed: Ron Tebow, Chairman; Wes Sieg, Vice- Chairman; Summer Sahli, Director; Chuck Sandmann, Director #11002/563228 Pub: September 22, 25, 2022__________________

PUBLIC NOTICE - The Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County, in accordance with RCW 17.10.050, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., to consider applications to determine the nominations for the position of Director for Section 5 of the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County. The hearing will be held in-person at the Bureau of Reclamation building, 32 C St NW, Room 304B, Ephrata, WA, and via Webex. Please call (509) 237-4567 ahead of the hearing time for remote attendance instructions. To submit written comments before the hearing, please contact us at , or send comments to PO Box 1115, Ephrata, WA, 98823. Signed: Ron Tebow, Chairman; Wes Sieg, Vice-Chairman; Summer Sahli, Director; Chuck Sandmann, Director #11003/563231 Pub:November 22, 25, 2022__________________

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public sale of the personal property, including mobile home, located at 3057 Road H NE, Lot No. 17, will take place on December 3, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. at the following address: Quail Run MHP 3057 Road H NE, Lot No. 17 Moses Lake, WA 98837 The landlord will accept any commercially reasonable offer for such property, payable in cash only, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to reasonable expenses including unpaid rent pursuant to RCW 60.10.030. If such property be removed from the rented premises, the lien shall continue and be a superior lien on the property so removed, and the lien may be enforced against the property wherever found. In the event the property contained in the rented premises be destroyed, the lien shall extend to any money that may be received by you as indemnity for the destruction of the property. Law Office of Eric M. Steven, P.S. 1319 W. Dean Ave., Spokane, WA 99201 #11025/568246 Pub: November 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022____________________________________________

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition dated November 9, 2022, was filed with the Board of Directors of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District by Triple C Land Co Etal, the holders of title to all the land hereinafter described, prayed that the following described land be included within the District: Southeast 1/4 of Section 9, Township 20N, Range 30E, Parcel Number 181330000 Grant County;  All persons interested in or that may be affected by such inclusion of the land described above are hereby notified to appear at the office of the Board at Othello, Adams County, Washington, December 7, 2022, this being the regular meeting of the Board next after the last day of publication of this Notice of Hearing, and show cause in writing, if any they have, why such land should not be included within the District as prayed for in the petition. #11051/2599 Pub: November 16, 22, 29, 2022_____________________________________________