Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Legals for December, 30 2022

| December 30, 2022 12:00 AM

NOTICE: ANNOUNCEMENT OF AVAILABILITY OF APPLICATION PERMIT NO.: ST0501285 APPLICANT: RM Wineries LLC P.O. Box 1260, Quincy, Washington 98848 FACILITY: Ancient Lake Wine Company 795 Beverly Burke Road N, Quincy, Washington 98848 RM Wineries LLC has applied for renewal of its State Waste Discharge Permit (SWDP) in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 173-216 Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Ecology accepted the application as complete on December 1, 2022. RM Wineries LLC owns and operates the Ancient Lake Wine Company which discharges wastewater via spray irrigation for final treatment. The current permit’s highest daily discharge flow from the processing facility is 10,000 gallons per day (gpd) with 14,000 gpd proposed in the permit renewal application; the highest daily discharge flow and highest average monthly discharge flows to the sprayfields remain the same. The wastewater, following treatment, must meet the requirements of the Washington State Water Pollution Control Act and applicable regulations for a permit to be issued. The Department of Ecology is proposing to renew the permit and is hereby issuing public notice of its intent. Interested persons can submit their name, address, and comments regarding this permit to: Send written comments to: Vijay Kubsad Water Quality Program Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office 4601 N. Monroe Street Spokane, WA 99205 Send email comments to: URL for event listing: https:/ Discharge-Permits/Ancient-Lake-Wine_ Company-Permit-Reissuance All respondents to this notice will receive a copy of the draft permit and fact sheet before the final permit is issued. Ecology is an equal opportunity agency. If you need this publication in an alternate format, please contact us at (509) 329-3400 or TTY (for the speech and hearing impaired) at 711 or 1-800-833-6388. #12039/3736 Pub:Decmeber 23, 30, 2022

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD January 3, 2023, at  3:05 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider an Ordinance amending Ch. 2.32 of the Grant County Code titled “Emergency Management” to incorporate the verbiage of “Operations” into the Grant County Emergency Management Code. Full context of the ordinance can be requested by contacting the Commissioner’s Office. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is also providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (2491 732 9863), you will be joined to the meeting in a ‘muted’ status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner’s Office in advance of the hearing. Brittany E. Lutz, CMC  Deputy Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #12043/3789 Pub: December 23, 30, 2022__________________

Legal Notice Columbia Basin Conservation District December 18, 2022 A mail-in-only election for a board seat on the Columbia Basin Conservation District (Conservation District) will be held on March 2, 2023, at 1107 S. Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837. Registered voters who reside within the Conservation District boundary are eligible to vote. The last day and time that an eligible voter can request a ballot from the Conservation District is February 8, 2023 by 4:30 pm. Ballots can be requested from Columbia Basin Conservation District, Kristina Ribellia, 1107 S. Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) 765-9618, Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than Election Day, March 2, 2023 at 4:30 pm. Ballots returned by other means must be returned to 1107 S. Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837 no later than 4:30 pm on Election Day, March 3, 2023. Candidates must be registered voters residing within the Conservation District. The filing deadline for candidates to file their candidate-required information is January 30, 2023. Interested candidates must file their candidate-required information at 1107 S. Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, no later than 4:30 pm. Candidate-required information will be accepted at that location by in-person delivery, by mail postmarked no later than January 30, 2023 or by email to Elections procedures are available at the Conservation District office. Please contact the Conservation District office at (509) 765-9618 or at 1107 S. Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837, if you have any questions #12049/3872 Pub: December 21, 30, 2022

CITY OF WARDEN NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR WEST FIRST STREET IMPROVEMENTS   The City of Warden solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Civil and Structural Engineering Design. This agreement will be for approximately one year in duration with the option for the City of Warden to extend it for additional time and money if necessary. Consultants will be considered for the following project. The City of Warden reserves the right to amend terms of this “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Project Description The work to be performed by the CONSULTANT consists of preparing preliminary engineering design for a pedestrian pathway along West First Street, from South County Rd to the west of Jackson Avenue. This project has a 0% DBE goal.  The City of Warden reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm(s) for any subsequent phases (R/W, CN) associated with this project. Evaluation Criteria Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: 1) Qualification of Proposed Project Manager 2) Qualifications/Expertise of Firm  3) Ability to meet schedule 4) Approach to project 5) Familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards 6) Past Performance/References Submittal Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone and fax numbers; Name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager; and Number of employees in each firm proposed to project. Please submit a PDF copy of your Statement of Qualifications to: City of Warden, Kristine Shuler, no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 13, 2023. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Any questions regarding this project should be directed to Kristine Shuler at 509-349-2326. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information The City of Warden in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Kristine Shuler at or by calling 509-349-2326. Title VI Statement The City of Warden, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.” Dates of publication in the Columbia Basin Herald.   December 23, 2022 and December 30, 2022. #12056/3957 Pub: December 23, 30, 2022