State examining youth attitudes on tobacco, vaping
WASHINGTON - The Washington State Department of Health is looking for young people aged 13 to 17 to participate in an online discussion board to explore knowledge and attitudes toward tobacco and vaping to test creative concepts for a statewide tobacco and vaping prevention campaign.
The discussion board will be open from Dec. 1 to Jan. 15.
Participation is voluntary, participants will not be asked about their own personal use and responses will be kept confidential. Youth that qualify and actively participate will receive a gift card for up to $150 for their time and effort.
Participation in the online discussion board will take about 45 minutes to complete the three activities.
Parents can scan the QR code on the flyer, or Call (888) 348-8116 and reference “Washington Teens Talk,” or Visit to learn more and see if their teen qualifies.
For questions or more information, contact Rebecca Yalch at or DeeSha Connor at