Friday, December 13, 2024

Legals for April, 26 2022

| April 26, 2022 12:00 AM

City of Moses Lake Notice of Application with Optional DNS April 20, 2022 The City of Moses Lake has received a grading permit application in preparation of a building permit application for the following project: Project Name: Project Arctic File Number: PLN2021-0091 SEPA Review & BLD2022-0142 Building Permit SEPA Related Number: 202200204 Agency Contact: Vivian Ramsey,, 509.764.3749 Description of Proposal: Food and beverage processor. Products will be packaged and shipped to retailers. The initial project square footage will be +/-65,000 square feet with 60 employees and 2 shifts per day. There will be semi-trailer truck traffic throughout the day delivering product and packaging goods. Date of Application: 4/19/2022 Date Application Determined Complete: April 19, 2022 Location of Subject Area: Project is located on the northeast corner of Randolph Road NE and Road 7 NE. Lot 1 Peterson SP #5. Assessor Parcel Number 110866002 Applicant: Hansen-Rice Contact: Tirzah Speder,, 208.550.5296 Applicable Project Permits: Grading permit, Building permit Required Studies: Traffic memo, SEPA Review, Habitat Assessment, Cultural Survey Required Permits and /or approvals from the City of Moses Lake and other agencies with jurisdiction that are not part of the Application: Electrical. Environmental Review: The City of Moses Lake has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for this project. The optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposed project. Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. No adverse environmental impacts of the proposal have been identified, so no conditions have been identified as being needed to mitigate the proposal. The project review process may include mitigation measures under applicable codes. Comments on the environmental impacts of this proposal will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on May 6, 2022. Comments must be submitted to Vivian Ramsey, or mailed to 321 S. Balsam St, Moses Lake WA, 98837. Existing Environmental Documents: SEPA checklist, Environmental Site Assessment, Geotech Stormwater Infiltration, Soil Report, EPA Proposed Plan Date of Notice: April 19, 2022 Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan X Yes __ No Applicable Development Regulations: City of Moses Lake Municipal Code Title 14 Environmental Regulations; Title 16 Building; Title 18 Zoning; Title 20 Development Review Process. A Public Hearing is not required. #04051/528817 Pub;April 26, 2022

City of Moses Lake Public Hearing John & Maureen Rickey submitted an application on February 16, 2022 for retaining wall to be installed along their property. The retaining wall will be 4' tall and run the length of their property about 109'. The property is located at 817 Sand Dune Rd, Moses Lake, WA. 98837. The application was determined to be complete and ready for review on March 18, 2022. The project has been determined to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the following development regulations are applicable to the project: Moses Lake Municipal Code (MLMC) Title 14: Environmental Regulations, Title 16: Building & Construction, Title 18: Zoning. Title 17 Subdivisions. Environmental review is required for this project. The City of Moses Lake has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts on the environment. Pursuant WAC 197-11-350(3), the proposal has been clarified, changed and conditioned to include necessary mitigation measures to avoid, minimize or compensate for probable significant impacts. This may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposed project. Written comments on this project proposal from public agencies with jurisdiction will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on May 11,2022. Planning Commission will hold the public hearing on May 12, 2022 at 7:00. Persons who want to be informed of future actions, or the final decision, on this proposal should provide their name and address to the project planner. The final decision on this proposal will be made within 120 days of the date of the notice of completeness and may be appealed according to the City appeal provisions specified in MLMC 20.11, Appeals. For more information call Amy Harris at 509-764-3747. Submit written comments by mail to City of Moses Lake Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA 98837. Date of Notice: April 20, 2022 #04050/528824 Pub;April 26,2022

INVITATION TO BID MOTOR CONTROL CENTER WITH AN AUTO-TRANSFER SWITCH COLUMBIA BASIN HYDROPOWER (CBHP) Bidders are invited to submit sealed bids for Eaton Freedom FlashGard Motor Control Center (MCC) with an Auto-Transfer Switch (ATS). Contact the CBHP office by email ( for an electronic copy of the detailed bid package. CBHP will receive sealed bids until 3:00 PM (PST), May 18, 2022, at the CBHP office, 107 D Street NW, Ephrata, WA 98823. Bids will then and there be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time of announced opening will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. A Notice of Award will be issued on or about May 31, 2022. #04043/527858 Pub;April 19, 26, 2022

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD May 3, 2022, at 3:15 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider the extension of Ordinance Number 21-080- CC (and Ordinance No. 22.014-CC) relating to a moratorium for wind and solar development projects. Grant County Development Services is recommending a 90-day extension for this moratorium to accommodate the procedural actions required for adopting new wind and solar development regulations. The Grant County Planning Commission has conducted public workshops on December 1, 2021, January 5, 2022, February 2, 2022, and is scheduled to conduct its open record public hearing on April 6, 2022, to develop a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners is scheduled to conduct an open record public hearing on April 29, 2022, to consider the adoption of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. If the BOCC determines that additional time is necessary to make their final decision on these regulations, the moratorium must be extended due to its pending expiration date on May 3, 2022. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is also providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (2496 615 2520), you will be joined to the meeting in a 'muted' status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner's Office in advance of the hearing. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners 0304034/527199 Pub;April 19, 26, 2022

BEFORE THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON In the matter of the Application of NOTICE OF HEARING ON Draupnir LLC APPLICATION FOR A COUNTY ROAD FRANCHISE for a franchise to enter upon, construct, operate and maintain certain facilities upon County Roads in Grant County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Draupnir LLC, has filed with the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, an application for a franchise for a period of fifty (50) years to construct, operate and maintain conduit and fiber cables, under, along and across certain County roads in Grant County, Washington lying within the following described portion of the County, to-wit: In Section 12, R23E, T20N, proposed franchise is for ROW on East side of Rd S NW extending 5,125' South from intersection with Rd 11 NW. In Section 12, R23E, T20N, proposed franchise is 5,590' in ROW on South side of Rd 11 NW extending West from intersection with Rd S NW and terminating at boundary of County ROW (Rd R NW). In Section 7, R24E, T20N, proposed franchise is for 5,725' in ROW on South side of Rd 11 NW extending West from County ROW (Rd R NW) and terminating at boundary of County ROW (Rd Q NW). In Section 9, R24E, T20N, proposed franchise is for 1,940' in ROW on West side of Rd O NW extending South from intersection with Rd 11 NW and terminating after 1,940' NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, has fixed the hearing on said application for the franchise for the 10th day of May, 2022 at the hour of 3:15 o'clock p.m. in the Board of County Commissioners' room in the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, Grant County, State of Washington, and any person may appear at this time and place to be heard for or against the granting or denying of said franchise or any part thereof. Grant County is providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call into the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (2484 531 6026). DATED this 11th day of April, 2022. Michele Jaderlund, Auditor of Grant County, Washington By:_/s/__Michele Jaderlund_____________________ Auditor #04039/527443 Pub;April 19, 26, 2022

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD May 10, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a budget extension request for the Veteran Services Department in the amount of $100,000.00 to support Burials-Professional Reimbursement as well as Burials-Private Reimbursement. Funding will be paid from Veterans Assistance Fund # 104.146. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is also providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (2484 531 6026), you will be joined to the meeting in a 'muted' status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner's Office in advance of the hearing. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #05008/528828 Pub;April 26, 2022 & May 3, 2022