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Moses Lake swim and dive gets top 10 finishes

Staff Writer | November 16, 2021 1:03 AM

The Moses Lake High School girls swimming and diving team competed at the state meet Friday and Saturday in Federal Way. And out of the nine athletes and three relay teams from Moses Lake, two relay teams and three athletes had top 10 finishes.

“I don’t remember the last time the Moses Lake girls swim and dive team had a top 10 finish at the state meet,” head coach Lindy Tracey said. “Our long-standing community dedication for the sport is finally showing and these athletes deserve it!”

The 200-yard freestyle relay team of freshman Julia Heaps, sophomore Issabelle Parrish, junior Makhaela Parrish and senior Laurel Knox placed third and set a new school record with a time of one minute, 39.54 seconds. The 400-yard freestyle relay team, made up of the same swimmers, took sixth place with a time of three minutes, 44.10 seconds.

“We were gunning for first, but a team PR and new school record is a huge accomplishment,” Tracey said.

In senior Laurel Knox’s two individual races, she had a top eight and top 16 finish. She took 12th in the 500-yard freestyle with a time of five minutes 24.80 seconds and took sixth in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of one minute, 59.09 seconds.

Both Issabell and Makhaela Parrish had top eight finishes in all four of their races which were two individual and two relays.

Makhaela took sixth in the 500-yard freestyle with a time of five minutes, 14.48 seconds and took fifth in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of one minute, 58.94 seconds.

Issabelle took third in the 50-yard freestyle with a time of 24.45 seconds. She also took fifth in the 100-yard freestyle with a time of 53.40 seconds.

“As a whole, our team fought this whole season and lasted through COVID-19 related adversities and abnormalities and finished strong with gutsy swims, tough minds; and proud to be a part of this program,” Tracey said.