Othello sewer rates to stay the same in 2022
OTHELLO — Othello residents will not see an increase in their sewer rates until at least 2026. Othello city officials recommended against an increase during a discussion at the Oct. 25 council meeting.
The city’s sewer rates are reviewed every three years, with the review due for rates in 2022. City finance officer Spencer Williams said current sewer rates are covering the department’s expenses and providing a surplus and city officials compared sewer rates to other local cities, including Quincy and Moses Lake.
Council member Genna Dorow said Othello was among the higher rates in that comparison and it would be preferable to be in the middle of the pack. Rates will have to increase sometime, she said, but not yet.
City officials analyzed the rates, Williams said, and determined the costs of running the sewer department would be less than the money generated by the current rates. Council member John Lallas said that would still be true in 2025.