Friday, December 13, 2024

Legals for July, 28 2021

| July 28, 2021 12:00 AM

The Bureau of Reclamation, in accordance with 43 CFR 423 Subpart B, is providing public notice that Scooteney Campground is now open for overnight use until August 1, 2021. The campground, main boat launch parking lot, and main boat launch will be closed for construction starting on August 2, 2021 through the end of the season. The southern boat launch on Scooteney Reservoir will remain open for public use during this time. Intermittent closures will be implemented at Scooteney Day Use Area from August 2, 2021 through October 14, 2021. Full campground and park access will resume in April of 2022 but is subject to the completion of construction. For more information contact Jordan Rank at #07003/463553 Pub: June 30, 2021 & July 7, 14, 21, 28, 2021

Public Notice Correction Road Closure July 28th 2021 at Stratford Rd. Road 12 NE to 15 NE will be closed to thru traffic. Local traffic only from July 28th - August 13th. Detoured traffic to K Rd & 15 NE for approximately 2 weeks. #07044/472007 Pub: July 28, 2021

NOTICE OF PRE-QUALIFYING FOR TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE, AND SUBSTATION CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE (HVE PreQual 2022) Application for Pre-Qualification of Contractors for electrical construction or improvement of an electrical facility (as described below): Pursuant to RCW 54.04.085, Contractors wishing to be considered by Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington for designation as a pre-qualified bidder for transmission and distribution line construction and maintenance, and for substation construction and maintenance must submit a Pre-Qualification Application. The applications will be reviewed and only those which are approved will be eligible to receive electrical construction/improvement bid documents for the 2022 construction year. Completed applications must be received no later than September 15, 2021 for all projects scheduled in the 2022 construction year. The District is required to evaluate applications once every year. The following construction projects are anticipated to start construction in 2022 (this list is NOT all inclusive): 3 Substations Associated Transmission Assets for the above substations One 3 Ring Switchyard Pre-qualification forms may be obtained by registering at the District's website at: Required documents including the completed and original application form must be received no later than Wednesday September 15, 2021 Completed prequalification packets are to be addressed as follows: Grant PUD 2021 HVE Prequalification - Attention Patrick Bishop 154 A Street SE (if sending U.P.S. or FedEx) PO Box 878 (if sending U.S.P.S) Ephrata, WA 98823 Should you have questions, contact Patrick Bishop Procurement Officer 509-793-1556 Sharon Lucas Administrative Assistant 253-279-5369 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 2 OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON #07045/472632 Pub: July 28, 2021

In the District Court of the State of Washington for the county of Yakima, BIDU, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. No. Y21-00278 ALLISON BARNHART, "JOHN DOE" BARNHART, and the marital community composed thereof, Defendants. The State of Washington to the said Allison Barnhart and John Doe Barnhart: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of June, 2021, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff Bidu, LLC, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for Plaintiff of Meyer, Fluegge, & Tenney, P.S., at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The said action is brought to recover from Defendant's the sum of three thousand dollars, plus interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum from the 6th day of December, 2019, which sum is said to be due Plaintiff upon the loan agreement between the parties signed December 6th, 2019. Failure to appear and answer said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment as therein demanded. /s/John A. Maxwell______________ John A. Maxwell, JR., WSBA #17431 Meyer, Fluegge & Tenney, P.S., Attorneys for Plaintiff 230 South 2nd St., Suite 101 Yakima, WA 98901 #08001/466411 June 30, 2021 & July 7, 14, 21, 28, 2021 & August 4, 2021

Wahluke School District 73 Grant County, Washington CALL FOR BIDS FOR DAIRY VENDOR Wahluke School District No. 73 is requesting proposals for the Dairy Bid for the 2021-2022 school year. Qualified bidders may obtain bid documents by contacting the Child Nutrition Director at (509) 932-4565 extension 3020 or email Sealed bids are due no later than 3 pm on August 10, 2021. Please address sealed bids to: Wahluke School District No. 73 RFP FOR DAIRY BID Attn: Business Office PO Box 907 Mattawa, WA 99349 #08012/471992 Pub:July 28, 29, 30, 2021 & August 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 2021

WAHLUKE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 73 GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF MEETING TO ADOPT 2021-22 BUDGET NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Wahluke School District No. 73, Grant County, Washington (the "District"), has completed the budget of said district for the fiscal year commencing September 1, 2021 and ending August 31, 2022 and has placed the same file with Secretary to the Board. A copy may be examined by a person who will call upon the Secretary to the Board beginning July 25, 2021. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to RCW 28A.505.050 and RCW 28A.505.060, that the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Wahluke School District No.73, Grant County, Washington (the "District") will hold a special meeting on August 10, 2021, commencing at 7:00 PM in the Wahluke High School Library, located at 505 N. Boundary Road, Mattawa, Washington. The meeting is called for the purpose of fixing and adopting the budget of the District for the ensuing 2021-22 fiscal year. Prior to adoption of the 2021-22 budget, the Board will hold a hearing for the purpose of receiving comments from the public on the 2021-22 budget. Any person may appear at the hearing and be heard for or against any part of the 2021-22 budget, the four year budget plan, or any proposed changes to uses of enrichment funding under RCW 28A.505.240. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the 2021-22 budget and shall, by resolution, adopt the 2021-22 budget, the four year budget plan summary, and the four-year enrollment projection. 2021-22 budget information is available on the District website or may be obtained by contacting Andrew Harlow , Superintendent at 509-932-4565 WAHLUKE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.73 GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON _______________________________________ Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Directors #08013/471998 Pub: July 28, 2021 & August 3, 2021