Friday, December 13, 2024

Legals for July, 21 2021

| July 21, 2021 12:00 AM

The Bureau of Reclamation, in accordance with 43 CFR 423 Subpart B, is providing public notice that Scooteney Campground is now open for overnight use until August 1, 2021. The campground, main boat launch parking lot, and main boat launch will be closed for construction starting on August 2, 2021 through the end of the season. The southern boat launch on Scooteney Reservoir will remain open for public use during this time. Intermittent closures will be implemented at Scooteney Day Use Area from August 2, 2021 through October 14, 2021. Full campground and park access will resume in April of 2022 but is subject to the completion of construction. For more information contact Jordan Rank at #07003/463553 Pub: June 30, 2021 & July 7, 14, 21, 28, 2021

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY In Re the Estate of: ) NO C1 4 00875 31 ) FRANK W. CRAIG. ) PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ) RCW 11.40.030 Deceased. ) ) ____________________________ ) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Persona Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the personal representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Person a representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent;s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of First Publication July 7, 2021 /s/Dylon W. Craig Dylon W. Craig, Personal Representative Attorney for Personal Representative: Paige Buurstra, WSBA#40500 Buurstra Law PPC 116 Avenue A, Ste A Snohomish, WA 98290 #07009/467765 Pub: July 7, 14, 21, 2021

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF CHAD E. MARTINEZ NO. 20-7-00007-13, DOB: 12/15/2015 MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Chad E. Martinez Sr. and anyone claiming a paternal interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 01/13/2020. A Fact-Finding Hearing will be held 08/03/2021 at 1:30 p.m. In accordance with the Covid 19 state mandate, this hearing will be held via WebEx in Grant County Juvenile Court. To access telephonically call 1-408-418-9388. Access Code 146 201 1473. To access via computer please refer to the grant county website for instructions on downloading the WebEx program. Meet-ing Password: UPkjH9sGX42 Any ques-tions regarding access please contact the juvenile dept 509-754-5690. If you wish to appear in person, you may do so, however; you will be required to observe social distancing and facial mask guidelines. Location of hearing: Grant County Juvenile Court 303 Abel Rd, Ephrata, WA 98823. Any questions regarding hearing schedule or access to WebEx, please call the juvenile dept. (509) 754-5690.YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons and Dependency Petition, call DCYF at 509-764-5757. To view infor-mation about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 1st day of July, 2021. /s Deputy Clerk, Randi Herrin #07010/468185 Pub: July 1, 14, 2021

Notice is hereby given that a Short Subdivision application was received by Grant County on June 17, 2021 from Jeff Byington (Designated Contact: Ostler Land Surveying, P.O. Box 897 Moses Lake, WA 98837), was found to be technically complete on July 15, 2021, Project: A Short Subdivision of two (2) parcels totaling approximately 155 acres. The short subdivision will create three (3) lots. Lot 1 will be approximately 2.59 acres and contains a residence. Lot 2 will be 2.50 acres and contains a residence. Lot 3 will be 149 acres contains a residence and 3 pole barns, a shop and has been under irrigation production. Zoning is Agriculture. Location of Proposal: The site address of the subject property is 16436 Rd 3 SE Moses Lake, WA. The proposed division is located in section 14 Township 18 North, Range 29 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Farm Unit 151 & 152 of Block 42. Parcel #19-0843-000, #19-0844-000. Studies Required: None. Public Hearing: None. Consistency Statement: This proposal is subject to, and shall be consistent with, Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (File #P 21-0235) are available from Kent Ziemer, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2538, Office Hours: 8 am - 5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5pm on August 6, 2021. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or delivered via parcel services. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the abovementioned proposal and materials. #07040/471040 Pub: July 21, 2021

In the District Court of the State of Washington for the county of Yakima, BIDU, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. No. Y21-00278 ALLISON BARNHART, "JOHN DOE" BARNHART, and the marital community composed thereof, Defendants. The State of Washington to the said Allison Barnhart and John Doe Barnhart: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of June, 2021, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff Bidu, LLC, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for Plaintiff of Meyer, Fluegge, & Tenney, P.S., at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The said action is brought to recover from Defendant's the sum of three thousand dollars, plus interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum from the 6th day of December, 2019, which sum is said to be due Plaintiff upon the loan agreement between the parties signed December 6th, 2019. Failure to appear and answer said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment as therein demanded. /s/John A. Maxwell______________ John A. Maxwell, JR., WSBA #17431 Meyer, Fluegge & Tenney, P.S., Attorneys for Plaintiff 230 South 2nd St., Suite 101 Yakima, WA 98901 #08001/466411 June 30, 2021 & July 7, 14, 21, 28, 2021 & August 4, 2021

Notice for publication NOTICE OF HEARING ON THE ASSESSMENT ROLL GRANT COUNTY PORT DISTRICT NO. 10 (PORT OF MOSES LAKE) WESTSIDE EMPLOYMENT CENTER LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT the final assessment roll for the Westside Employment Center Local Improvement District (the "WEC LID"), which was created to finance certain improvements within the Grant County Port District No. 10 (aka the Port of Moses Lake) (herein called the "Port"), is now on file. You are notified that a hearing on the final assessment roll for the WEC LID shall be held on August 9, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, during a meeting of the Port Commission held in the Commission Chambers at the Terminal Building, Grant County International Airport located at 7810 Andrews Street NE, Moses Lake, Washington, which time and place are fixed for hearing of matters relating to such assessment roll. In compliance with the State of Washington's Road to Recovery orders, unvaccinated individuals are required to wear a mask at the Port Commission in person open public meeting. See Governor Inslee Proclamation No. 20-28.14 and Miscellaneous Venue Guidance updated June 30, 2021. The Port Commission meeting will also be conducted via telephone conference call. Individuals may access the meeting by dialing 267-930-4000, and entering participant code 418 097-708 when prompted. Persons desiring to object to the assessments must make their objections in writing and file them with the Director of Finance and Administration of the Port at or prior to the date of the hearing. Persons filing written objections also may appear at the hearing to state their views. At the hearing, and at the times to which the hearing may be adjourned, the Port Commission will act as a board of equalization for purposes of considering the roll. The Port Commission will consider the objections made and may correct, revise, raise, lower, change or modify the roll or any part thereof. Date of Notice: July 12, 2021 Kim DeTrolio Director of Finance and Administration #07034/470029 Pub: July 15, 21, 2021

WARDEN SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 146-161 GRANT AND ADAMS COUNTIES, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF MEETING TO ADOPT 2021-2022 BUDGET AND CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to RCW 28A.505.050 and RCW 28A.505.060, that the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Warden School District No. 146-161, Grant and Adams Counties, Washington (the "District") will hold a regular meeting on July 22, 2021 commencing at 7:00 PM in the High School Library, please contact Kassandria Rouleau at 509-349-2366 or to arrange an invitation for the hearing. The meeting is called for fixing and adopting the budget of the District for the ensuing 2021-2022 fiscal year. Prior to adoption of the 2021-2022 budget, the Board will hold a hearing for receiving comments from the public on the 2021-2022 budget. Any person may appear at the hearing and be heard for or against any part of the 2021-2022 budget, the four-year budget plan, or any proposed changes to uses of enrichment funding under RCW 28A.505.240. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the 2021-2022 budget and shall, by resolution, adopt the 2021-2022 budget, the four-year budget plan summary, and the four-year enrollment projection. 2021-2022 budget information is available at the District office or may be obtained by contacting Kassandria Rouleau at 509-349-2366. #07028/469288 Pub: July 14, 21, 2021

CITY OF OTHELLO, WA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Chlorination/Dechlorination Project will be received by the City of Othello (City) at the City Hall at 500 East Main Street, Othello, WA 99344, until 2:00 P.M. local time on August 4th, 2021, at which time the Bids received will be opened and read. Description of Work: This work is for installation of chlorination, dechlorination, and acid feed systems at the City's existing wastewater treatment plant. Major elements of the work include construction and/or installation of the following: chemical feed systems, chemical storage tanks, domestic and chemical feed plumbing, concrete pad for tanks, process instrumentation, control panels, and associated electrical and plumbing work. Estimated Project Cost: $500,000 Availability of Bidding Documents: Plans and specifications may be obtained at no cost via electronic transmission from the City of Othello. Paper copies of the plans and specifications may also be obtained from the City at the above address for a non-refundable fee of $200.00. Plans and specifications can be requested by email at or by calling (509)-331-2711 during normal business hours. Copies of plans and specifications are on file for review at various construction councils. Pre-Bid Conference: A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 A.M. local time on July 28, 2021, at City Hall. Bid Proposals: Bid Proposals will be received for a single prime Contract. Bid Proposals must be submitted on the forms provided in the Contract Documents. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Rejection of Bids: The City shall have the right to reject any or all bids not accompanied by bid security, or data required by the bidding documents, a bid in any way incomplete or irregular, or if the bid amount exceeds the amount of funds available for the project. By: Shawn O'Brien Title: City Engineer Date: Published in the Sun Tribune July 14th and 21st, 2021 #07015/468370 Pub: July 14, 21, 2021

CITY OF OTHELLO INVITATION TO BID FOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER The City of Othello is requesting bids to provide the service as the 2021/2022 Official Newspaper of the City of Othello. The term of the agreement will be for one year. The official designated newspaper will provide all legal publications as RCW 65.16.020. Sealed bids will be accepted by the City Clerk Department until 12:00 p.m. (noon), August 6, 2021. All submitted bids must be stamped as received by the Clerk's Department prior to this date and time and all bids received will be considered final. Any party submitting a timely bid must commit to that bid until City Council awards the agreement, not to exceed 60 days. To request a bid packet, you may contact Tania Morelos, City Clerk via email at between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. For any other questions call City Hall at 509-488-5686. Tania Morelos, City Clerk #07037/470407 Pub: July 21, 2021