Saturday, December 14, 2024

Legals for July, 9 2021

| July 9, 2021 12:00 AM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD July 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider the surplus of a Sheriff's Office 2007 SeaDoo Jetski (Asset# 102729) and 2007 Karavan Jetski Trailer. These items have an estimated value of $3,800.00 and will be sold at auction. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is providing optional access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (187 374 6294), you will be joined to the meeting in a 'muted' status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner's Office in advance of the hearing. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #07006/466859 Pub: July 2, 9, 2021

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD July 27, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider vacating a portion of the Brunch Estates Plat (AFN 152), specifically the lot labeled "Public Park" further identified as Assessor Parcel Number 12-0047-002 pursuant to Grant County Code 22.04.480 and RCW 58.17.212, as petitioned by Hymes and Rosenow. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is also providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (187 528 9529), you will be joined to the meeting in a 'muted' status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner's Office in advance of the hearing. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #07017/468488 Pub: July 9, 16, 2021

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD July 27, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider the following 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications: File #P 21-0118 (Comp. Plan Amendment/Rezon e) and P 21-0119 (SEPA) from Nick and Donna Tommer. The appli cant has submitted a Site Specific Land Use Re- designation applica tion requesting the subject property be re-designated to Rural Residential 1 from Residential Low Density along with an application for a rezone from Urban Residential 2 to Rural Residen tial 1. The applica tion also requests the Soap Lake Ur ban Growth Area be reduced to ex clude these par cels. The proposal site is comprised of three parcels total ing approximately 95 acres in size. The proposal site is located on the east side of SR 17 N im mediately east of Soap Lake, in a por tion of Section 13, T. 22 N, R. 26 E, and Sections 18, T. 22 N., R. 27E, W.M., Grant Coun ty, WA. File #P 21-0133 (Comp. Plan Amendment/Rezon e) & P 21-0134 (SEPA) from Leslie Ziegler. The appli cant has submitted a Site Specific Land Use Re- designation applica tion requesting the subject property be re-designated to Rural Residential 1 from Irrigated Agri culture along with an application for a rezone from Agricul ture to Rural Resi dential 1. The pro posal site is com prised of a single parcel totaling ap proximately 40 acres in size. The proposal site is lo cated on the east s ide of Rd. C NE, ap proximately a 1/2 mile north of North Frontage Rd. E, in a portion of the NW 1/4 of S. 27, T. 19 N, R. 27 E, W.M., Grant County, WA (Parcel #16-1554-000). File #P 21-0139 (Comp. Plan Amendment/Rezon e) & P 21-0140 (SEPA) from Royal Slope Solar. The applicant has sub mitted a Site Specif ic Land Use Re- designation applica tion requesting the subject property be re-designated to Rural Resource from Irrigated Agri culture and Rural Remote along with an application for a rezone from Agricul ture and Rural Re mote to Rural Re source. The pro posal site is com prised of multiple parcels totaling ap proximately 2988 acres in size. The proposal site is lo cated west of Rd. R SW and south of SR 26 W, in a por tion of Sections 3, 27, 33 and 34, T. 17 N, R. 23 E, and Sections 1, 2, and 12, T. 16 N., R. 23E, W.M., Grant County, WA (32 par cels totaling 2900+ acres). File #P 21-0142 (Comp. Plan Amendment/Rezon e) & P 21-0143 (SEPA) from Low Family Land, LLC. The applicant has submitted a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation ap plication requesting the subject proper ty be re-designated from Master Plan Industrial to Irrigated Agricul ture along with an application for a rezone from Master Plan Industrial to Agriculture. The proposal site is comprised of three parcels totaling ap proximately 167.2 acres. The propos al site is located on Rd. O NW immedi ately north of SR 28 W, in a portion of the SW 1/4 of S. 10, T. 20 N, R. 24 E, W.M., Grant County, WA (Parcel #s20-0341-000, 20-0614-000, & 20- 0615-000). Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (187 528 9529), you will be joined to the meeting in a 'muted' status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner's Office in advance of the hearing. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #07018/468633 Pub: July 9, 16, 2021

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE: | NO: 21-4-00115-13 | RONALD C. COVEY, | PROBATE NOTICE OF CREDITORS | Deceased. | RCW 11.40.030 ____________________________________|__________________________________ The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed by the notice to the creditors as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060 This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: July 6, 2021 Date of first publication: July 9, 2021 Personal Representative: PATTI D. COVEY Attorney for Personal Representative: Huberdeau Law Office, PS Address for Mailing or Service: 821 E. Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 /s/Patti D. Covey PATTI D. COVEY, Personal Representative HUBERDEAU By: /s/Jeremy S. Huberdeau JEREMY S. HUBERDEAU WSBA#35428 Attorney for the Personal Representative 821 E. Sharon Ave. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Telephone: (509) 765-1196 Fax: (509) 765-1799 #07019/468692 Pub: July 9, 16, 23, 2021

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON | FOR GRANT COUNTY | | NO. 21-2-00261-13 BEATRIZ PERALTA MEDIAN, Petitioner, | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION CORNELIO MALTOS, Respondent. | (SMPB) ____________________________________|__________________________________ The STATE OF WASHINGTON to: CORNELIO MALTOS (Respondent) YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear on July 27th at 9 a.m./p.m, (date) At Grant Superior Court, 35 C ST. NW EPHRATA, WA 98823 (county) (location and respond to the petition alleging an act of domestic violence pursuant to the provisions of the Domestic Violence Protection Act, Chapter 26.50 RCW. If you fail to respond, and order of protection will be issued against you for a minimum of one year from the date you are required to appear. A temporary order of protection had been issued against you , restraining you from the following: (contact the court for a complete copy of the Temporary Order) You are restrained from causing petitioner or any of the minor children residing with petitioner any physical harm, bodily injury, assault including sexual assault, and from molesting , harassing , threatening, or stalking the same. You are restrained from coming near or having any contact whatsoever with the parties, in person or through others , direct or indirectly. You are further restrained from entering the petitioner's residence, school or place of employment. Other:___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ A copy of the petition, notice of hearing, and ex parte order for protection has been filed with the clerk of this court. DATED 06/08/2021 /s/ Beatriz Peralta (signature) /s/Beatriz Peralta, Petitioner (please print name) #07021/468701 Pub: July 9, 16, 23, 2021