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Health district seeks Ritzville wedding attendees

Staff Report | November 17, 2020 1:05 AM

MOSES LAKE — Grant County Health District is asking anyone who attended a large private wedding near Ritzville last week to get tested for COVID-19 after a number of cases of the pandemic illness have been linked to the event.

In a press release issued late Monday, the health district said the wedding, attended by more than 300 people and held “in a private location near Ritzville” on Monday, Nov. 7, is linked to 17 COVID-19 cases in Grant County alone.

Attendees with COVID-19 have also been linked to two subsequent outbreaks, the health district said.

The GCHD is also advising anyone who attended the wedding to self-quarantine through Saturday, Nov. 21.

The health district noted wedding ceremonies are currently limited to 30 people and that as of Monday, any indoor ceremonies or services connected with weddings are prohibited. Attendees of any large event are also asked to get a COVID-19 test within 5-7 days of the event “or sooner if symptoms develop,” the health district added.

Wedding organizers are strongly encouraged to keep records of everyone who attends a wedding ceremony for at least two weeks after the event, the health district said.

COVID-19 symptoms include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle of body aches, headaches, loss of taste or smell, and congestion or runny nose.