Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Elected county figures support law enforcement

Staff Writer | July 1, 2020 5:35 PM

EPHRATA — The Grant County commissioners and prosecutor issued a press release Wednesday supporting local and national law enforcement and rejecting a notion in some areas of the country to defund or disband police departments.

“We believe it is incumbent upon us to stand up and courageously declare, that in the face of portions of our country & certain cities who desire to disband or defund law enforcement, we vehemently oppose those misguided & nonsensical ideas,” the press release from the commissioners and prosecutor stated.

Their statement made no mention of George Floyd or his death under the knee of Minneapolis police officer David Chauvin, which sparked protests across the country, including several in Grant County. It emphasized the commissioners’ and prosecutor’s support for all law enforcement officers.

“The Grant County Sheriff’s Office and our local law enforcement communities are exceptional, hardworking, honorable men and women who deserve nothing but our respect and admiration not contempt and derision,” the press release from the commissioners and prosecutor stated.

The county’s statement stressed the difficult challenges that law enforcement officers face, including “rampant drug usage, assorted crimes & addictive behaviors.”

“Quoting Ronald Reagan, ‘We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions,’” the press release added.