Thursday, March 06, 2025

Candidate Q&A: Contested races in Mattawa, Warden, Othello

by Rachal Pinkerton Staff Writer
| October 22, 2019 9:21 PM


Tony Acosta


Jesus “Jesse” Chiprez

Mattawa School Board


Nonpartisan Office 2-year unexpired term

Jesus “Jesse” Chiprez

How long have you lived in town?

I have lived in Mattawa 40 of my 43 years.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I am an unbiased leader.

Able to prioritize needs from wants.

I have lived here for a long time and I want nothing more than to see our youth succeed.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

I hope to make our school district an appealing destination for well-qualified educators.

A place for our current student-focused educators to want to stay and spend the remainder of their careers at.

I hope I can be part of the change which helps raise our test scores in math, reading and writing.

We have a good person as our district leader in our Superintendent, now we need to support him and let him do his job to take us into the future. We board members need to not micromanage and let the educators and the administration put their years of experience and schooling into practice.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

We don’t have a vision of where we want to take our district. Without a clear road map of where we want to go it has been a long winding road to nowhere. We need a District Improvement Plan to guide our district decision making and a School Improvement Plan for each of our individual school buildings.

Budget accountability so the taxpayer funds are spent in the best and most efficient manner maximizing student benefit. Our district is a business, an education business, and needs to be run like one. We have to have trips and large purchases approved beforehand and not after the money has been spent and people are thinking we might have over spent or misspent.

This is the most important. Our reading, writing and math scores are so low that our kids are in danger of not being able to find adequate opportunities in today’s workforce. We have many after school programs for sports and intellectual growth but we need to focus on the time slot of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. I love my sports and youth coaching is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done, but that most likely won’t make me a living wage if I can’t read, write and do math.

What would you like people to know about you?

I live in a district where our population is diversified with the majority being hispanic and I want to see our school board reflect that diversity. With that being said, I don’t believe the color of my skin should get me your vote. Your vote should come because I have been involved in the young lives of our kids. I understand the situations they face at home and school because I have lived them. Our students’ opportunities for educational advances are my priority because that is the only way to open doors to financial stability, a fulfilling career and life of prosperity.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Balloons, face paintings and participation trophies wont get your kids into a higher education or a career. Math, reading and writing will. Don’t vote for the most popular candidate. Vote for the best candidate.


Nonpartisan Office 4-year term

Antonio (Tony) Acosta

How long have you lived in town?

I have lived in Mattawa for over 30 year.

What are your qualifications for this position?

Being bilingual which will help bridge the gap between the board and the community. I listen, act on facts not rumors.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

My goal is to develop a map (Mission and vision) that will help create policy and a budget along with long term goals to prepare and encourage students to be successful. To create a policy that will insure all students receive a fair and appropriate education.

My hope is to create an environment for students, staff, and the community where education is a top priority.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

I think creating a budget that reflects our needs as a whole. Ensuring our policy decisions are in line with goals. Gaining the students, staff and community’s trust.

What would you like people to know about you?

I am running to represent the community of Wahluke, to make Education a priority and have a safe and positive learning and working environment for all.

Seth Weeks

Responses unavailable


Nonpartisan Office 4-year term

Craig Howard Sabin

Responses unavailable

Samantha Ruiz-Thomas

Responses unavailable

Warden mayor

MAYOR Nonpartisan Office 4-year term

Tony Massa

How long have you lived in town?

My wife Jill and I moved from Othello to Warden 23 years ago, we have raised all 4 of our children here in Warden.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I served on city council before being elected as mayor eight years ago. I also serve as chairman of the Grant County Board of Health, Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Project Committee, and Grant County Solid Waste Committee.

As a Councilman and Mayor I have been able to raise funding from Olympia to build our new Wastewater Plant, replace a contaminated water well and build new wells. We are now moving forward on securing funding for streets and sidewalk projects.

Working with our industries we have been able to significantly reduce the odor problem in Warden and still protect jobs and growth.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

I am excited about the things we have done in Warden over the last eight years but there is still work to be done.

While the odor problem we had in Warden has been significantly reduced we still have some more work to do in that area.

As far as water and sewer, almost all of the work on wells and the Sewer Plant is done and will accommodate years of growth. Now it is time to start addressing the aging water and sewer lines in the ground.

We have just started to secure funding for road and sidewalk projects, continuing work on this infrastructure is important for our future.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

Raising funding for infrastructure.

The ability to raise funding is crucial to this position. That has been key in the growth we have seen in the last few years. By securing outside funding we have been able to keep water and sewer rates affordable for our residents. It has also kept development costs down. As a result we are now seeing significant growth in Warden.

Continuing our growth.

We have worked hard to encourage growth, but is a delicate balance to keep development costs where they need to be for housing our residents can afford.

We must continue working with developers and employers to keep a growth-friendly environment.

Law enforcement presence.

In February I set a goal for our patrol officers to drive every street and every alley in town and we still have work to do in this area.

Each and every resident in Warden deserves to know that our officers are looking out for them, making sure their neighborhood is safe.

We also need to look for funding to get as much 24-hour law enforcement coverage as we can afford.

What would you like people to know about you?

I have worked hard to serve Warden as a Lions Club President, City Councilman, and as your Mayor for the last eight years. It has been an honor to serve you and help make Warden a little better place to live. There is still work to do and I would be proud to continue that work if you let me!

Alan Talbot

How long have you lived in town?

I was born and raised in Warden, though I did leave for a time after high school.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I have served as a Captain in a Security company as well as having served my city as a member of the Warden Police Department since 2014. As such, I am familiar with not only how our city government works but also the concerns of the citizens.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

I hope to continue serving the citizens of Warden as I have as a member of the police department.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

The three most important issues that I see right now are the continued infrastructure projects, continuing to bring in city growth through new housing opportunities, and creating new opportunities for new businesses to come in.

What would you like people to know about you?

I would like for the citizens of Warden to know that no matter the outcome of the election I intend to continue serving my community with the same focus and dedication to excellence that I have as a member of the police department.

Othello Hospital Board - Adams County


Commissioner Position 2 Nonpartisan Office 6-year short and full term

Donna Reichert

How long have you lived in town?

I have lived in Othello for 41 years.

What are your qualifications for this position?

As there are no posted qualifications for this position, I feel my qualification is that I truly care about and love this hospital. I have received superb care over the years and feel that my concern for the well being of this hospital is at the top of the qualifications, if there were any, for this position.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

If I am voted in to the board position, I hope to see that problems and concerns of the hospital are spoken to and investigated thoroughly. I would also like to see improvements made in areas that might need improvement. I would only know of these areas if I am voted in to the board.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

The first most important issue for this position is to see that the safety and quality of patient care is on constant surveillance. Patients must feel safe in this environment and know that they will receive the best in quality care. Second, I feel that the hospital should be financially healthy at all times. Lastly, I feel that there should always be an open line of communication between the hospital and Columbia Basin Health. The board should always keep a check on this communication.

What would you like people to know about you?

I have a BS and MA in Music Education and have taught public school music for 32 years. Also, I have substitute taught in the Othello Schools for 15 years. I have directed the Children’s Choir for the Othello Choral Society’s annual cantata for the past 10 years. My husband, Bob, and I have owned Reichert’s Showhouse for 27 years. I love people from all walks of life, and enjoy visiting with them.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I have always been impressed with the care that I have received from the staff of the hospital. For example, I was diagnosed with MRSA five years ago. I received infusions every 12 hours for three weeks at the Othello Community Hospital with the most professional and courteous care that anyone could ask for! I feel we have one of the most advanced and professional hospitals that a small town would be proud to boast of.

Gayle Bohannan

How long have you lived in town?

I have lived here 47 years and raised four children here. I worked for the school district for 30 years as a bus driver.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I was appointed to the board in June of 2018 to fill out the term for someone who resigned. I’ve been on the board for 16 months.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

Basically what I have been doing since my appointment. There is a lot of learning. I need to continue to learn policies and procedures of the hospital board.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

I think they are hiring a great CEO, quality care and safety for patients.

What would you like people to know about you?

I have actually served on the board. I look forward to serving again.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I love it here. I love the community and the citizens.

Othello School Board

Director District 2

Nonpartisan Office 4-year term

Rob Simmons

How long have you lived in town?

I’ve lived in Othello since 1997.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I’ve served on the board for almost 12 years, and have been chosen by my fellow board members to serve as board president for four of those years. I have been involved in the adoption of all of the current Board policies, and have personally written or modified many of those policies. I have also been involved in the remodel and expansion of every facility in our district following the passage of the bond in 2007. This knowledge of board policy and historical context of the district allows me to lead from a place of experience rather than opinion.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

If I am re-elected, I will continue to lead the district by holding our superintendent accountable to the policies that represent the values of our community. I will never stop learning from and listening to our community, and will keep the needs of ALL students in the forefront of my decisions.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

In my opinion, the most important issue that a school board director faces is representing the values of our community when we establish policies to help our students prepare for life after their K-12 education. Regardless of whether a student is planning to go to college, trade school, or a career, it is our duty to provide them with the intellectual tools to be successful in that journey. The second most important issue is hiring and supporting our highly qualified staff. Let’s face it, without them issue number one cannot be achieved. While there are many other important issues, I would have to say the third most important issue is prudent management of our budget to continue to maintain a financially healthy state.

What would you like people to know about you?

My life and career have been dedicated to service. I have been a practicing Chiropractor in Othello for over 22 years. My wife of 21 years, Sheila, and I own and operate Simmons Family Chiropractic. We currently have three children who attend Othello public schools. Our daughter, Alexis is a senior at OHS, our son, Collin, is a freshman at OHS, and our youngest child, Gavin, is in fifth grade at Lutacaga elementary. I have first hand knowledge of the challenges that face our students and our district, and my business allows me to maintain close connections to the community and their needs.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I have volunteered my time to coach youth softball, baseball, basketball and football for the past ten years.

Sharon Schutte

How long have you lived in town?

I moved to Othello when I was about 9 years old, so I have lived in Othello for about 58 years.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I feel that I am qualified for this position in two different manners. As a co-owner of a farming corporation for over 30 years, I have the abilities to understand finances of a business and how to prepare a budget and ensure that we are able to successfully sustain for the future of our children’s education. Secondly, I am deeply invested into this community. Having lived here for over 50 years, not only did I attend school in this district but so did my children and now my grandchildren are. As a result, I have been actively involved in our community and specifically in our schools. I have volunteered for over 40 years with community events such as youth sports programs as well as previously organized the local fair and rodeo parade and the local Junior Miss scholarship program. In schools, I have been involved in the PTA at the schools for my two children and currently am a member of the PTA for my grandchildren’s school. This has allowed me to connect with community members, educational professionals, and parents and hear their thoughts and concerns. Additionally, outside of PTA, I have been involved in committees for school improvement, the reconfiguration of Scootney, the naming of Wahitis and this past year, I had the opportunity to serve on the district facility committee.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

If I am elected onto the school board, I hope to work together with our board to continue to ensure that our community has a premier education for our children. I want to be able to be an open line of communication between our community and our school district by providing listening ears to all members of our community. I feel that every voice matters, especially as it pertains to the safety, education and future of our children. I truly hope to be a representation of our entire community and school district if I am given this opportunity.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

The three most important issues that I feel we are facing are: safety, facilities, and fiscal responsibility. Safety in our schools is very important to me. When we send our children to our schools or go to work in our schools, we should know and feel that everyone there is safe both physically and mentally. I want to see that we are ensuring that our buildings have up to date measures to ensure the physical safety while also guaranteeing our kids’ health and wellness while at school. I extend this to creating a favorable environment for our schools. I want to see our children as well as our staff being happy to come to school and work and having that environment where their education can flourish. Secondly, having been on the facility committee this past year, I think it is important to ensure that we have the proper facilities in place for our students both addressing any overcrowding issues as well as again, ensuring safety. Finally, fiscal responsibility is something that every one of us in our community are entitled to as taxpayers. I think it is important to provide transparency with the community as well as accountability on our spending to ensure that taxpayers money is being used in the best manner to continue to provide for a top-notch education.

What would you like people to know about you?

I want people to know that I care and that I think that what concerns or comments they have pertaining to our school district matter. I want to hear what they have to say and I am willing to have the conversations with them. I value all members of this community. Having lived here for over 50 years, I truly care and am deeply rooted in ensuring that we support our children’s education, their families, our educators and the future of our community.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I just want to say that I am more than willing to speak with anyone about any other questions, concerns or issues that you would like to discuss. Please feel free to contact me and I would love to hear your perspective on the issues facing our schools.

Director District 4

Nonpartisan Office 2-year unexpired term

Isauro (JR) Pruneda

Responses unavailable

Lindsy Prows

How long have you lived in town?

I was born and raised in Othello. After graduating from BYU-Idaho I moved to Seattle for five years, got married and we had a child. We realized VERY early on that we wanted to raise our family in Othello. We moved back to Eastern Washington when our oldest was six months old. She is now ten years old. So basically my entire life has been spent here.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I have been an emergency substitute teacher in the OSD since 2007 (off and on)

I was hired by Kansas University to conduct a research project on the instructional coaching program at OSD. This job had me in each school for several hours a week. I was able to work with the instructional coaches, observe their work with teachers and collect data showing the success of the program.

I served as the PTA president at Scootney Springs for two years and have spent countless hours volunteering and helping the PTA raise money for the kids.

I have volunteered my time in the community by coaching softball for little league.

I was chosen as a parent representative to travel with the superintendent and a select group of people to go to Harlem, NY to study and learn about their preschool program. I saw first hand how a successful program is run and all the potential OSD has to make major changes to our school district. Since returning from NY, OSD has implemented a similar preschool model. My two youngest daughters attended the OSD preschool and I was SO pleased with the education they got. It was great to see it come full circle for me. The program needs to grow in order to reach all the kids in the district.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

My number one priority is getting our kids into new/remodeled facilities. We are bursting at the seams and we have got to do something about it. Resolving issues to increase district unity is also very important to me.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

Facilities for kids.

Safety on campus.

Keeping the community informed of issues so they can be involved.

What would you like people to know about you?

I grew up watching my dad, Rich Mollotte, serve on the Othello School Board of Directors. He served for ten years. He instilled in me a love for public service. I care deeply about the success for all children in the district. I am raising three daughters who have had the best teachers and leaders at their school. I am not the only parent in Othello that can make that statement. I love Othello, this community and our school district is truly one of a kind. It takes a village to raise a child and our children are being educated by an AMAZING village.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Part of being a good leader is to be a good listener. I want to be an advocate for teachers and the community. If elected, I would encourage an open dialogue.

Director Position 5 - at large

Nonpartisan Office 4-year term

Roger Durkee

Responses unavailable

Miguel “Mike” Garza

How long have you lived in town?

Lifelong resident of Othello.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I’ve been a school board member for five years now. Have acquired the necessary qualities to continue being a contributor to the board.

Student focused.

Fiscally responsible.


What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

If re-elected, I’d continue contributing ideas and strategies to help with the District’s vision which reads, “We create and cultivate a safe environment of respect and rapport, where instruction is intentional, engaging, challenging, and accessible for all students.”

Also, would push to continue making OSD 147 the place where the best and most qualified educators would like to call home. Acknowledging that, the issues facing the District are very complex, with several very important components.


Safety of students.

Career choices or opportunities.

Fiscal responsibility.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

Fiscal accountability, transparency in dealings, community engagement.

What would you like people to know about you?

Faith and family are the forefront of my life. They drive me to remain focused and motivated in all my personal, professional interactions.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I grew up the son of an immigrant family, which traveled throughout the country following the crops. As a child, I learned what it was to sleep in the car at the edge of a beet field waiting for the school bus to come and take you to school. It was then, I told myself I needed education so my kids would not have the same fate.

My story should not and is not the reason I ask for your vote. I have served the community in this capacity for the last five years, and I am looking forward to continuing to do so. I would love to see our board continue to represent the demographic of our district; our majority of students are Hispanic. I feel it would be important they know they have someone who understands, relates to and can speak their language, involved in the decision making of the district. I truly believe I relate to most of the problems or situations some of our parents are confronted with daily, from scheduling issues to language barrier problems, amongst others.

I would like to see OSD continue to be an innovative, collaborative and forward-thinking district.

Write-in candidate

Jim Fleishman

How long have you lived in town?

I was born and raised in Othello only leaving to serve in the US Army.

What are your qualifications for this position?

My wife Lucy and I together have five children who have all gone to school in Othello. We also have 11 grandkids, six of which go to school here in our school district. Since before I graduated from high school, I was coaching little league with my father. This has continued for over 30 years, coaching on and off in little league and also coaching numerous girls travel ball teams together with two other coaches. A lot of the kids I have worked with currently have kids in our school district at this time.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

One of the things I would like to accomplish is total transparency to the community at all times and not just during election times.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

After talking with members of our community and employees of our district many are losing faith in our district.

We can make all the policies in the world but until we start working as one (board, district office, employees and community) those policies will do no good. This district has awesome employees and it’s time they are allowed to do what they do best and that is to teach.

What would you like people to know about you?

I don’t profess to know everything but I promise to learn just like every other board member before me and promise to keep our community, teachers and employees well informed.

Anything else you’d like to add?

It is time to mend the relationship between our district, our employees and our community. It has been said we will be asking for a new school soon, along with the new bus garage problems, possible mold in one of the schools now more than ever we need total transparency and work with our community to come up with a solution.

Communication is key and our kids and employees come first.

Othello City Council

Council Position 4

Nonpartisan Office 4-year term

Eugene Bain

How long have you lived in town?

I have lived in Othello 28 years now.

What are your qualifications for this position?

I have been in business management for 26 years and a business partner for 10 years.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

I believe Public safety and Community Growth are important as well as our water sustainability.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

I am a man of integrity who loves this community, where my wife and I have raised two wonderful children. I have worked hard for the people of Othello and it will be my pleasure to continue to do so.

What would you like people to know about you?

I would like to encourage the people of Othello to vote it is IMPORTANT on so many different levels.

Jonathan (Jon) Erickson

How long have you lived in town?

I am a lifelong resident. I have grown up in the area, both Warden and Othello. My family is a very deeply rooted family here in Othello and in the public service arena. I have always prided myself with my being able to be here and continue my family involvement in Othello.

What are your qualifications for this position?

As a business owner and a federal government consultant, I am very qualified in the administration and directing of governmental agencies and their organizations. I have had the pleasure of working with the city and their staff to implement and carry out construction projects as well as set the stage for future projects. As a citizen of Othello, I believe that I have a very good understanding of its inner workings and what needs to be changed for the future growth.

What do you hope to do if you get voted in?

If voted in, I hope to be able to place meaningful and helpful topics on the table for discussion. I hope to be able to reach the constituents and motivate more city council meeting interactions. I am only one man, but choosing to raise my family in this city, I am hopeful to be able to bring change for my children and help keep this city the place that I know and love. My hope for our children would be to create a policy that would spark investment opportunity, increase property values and keep the same “small town” feeling that we grew up with. One of my fondest memories is that you can walk into the store and be greeted with smiles and “how are you today” from both friends and strangers.

What do you think are the three most important issues for this position?

Attendance and involvement in the council is one of the first things that comes to mind

Reaching out to the constituents and listening to the voters and not mistaking the position as a personal benefit but an obligation and public service to the voters that trusted you to be their voice.

Being firm on decisions. Not swaying away from moral and core values because of friendships and outside interests.

What would you like people to know about you?

I am very active in the community, through coaching little league, youth soccer and flag football. I have always been a firm believer in interacting with the community, giving back and performing my civic duty when able. This city is not only my home, but it is the home of my children, who I hope, have the same take away as I did, being that this is the place to raise a family and plant roots.

Anything else you’d like to add?

My goal as a city councilman would be to attract outside investments and spark positive growth here in Othello. This will only be accomplished with tactical negotiating, planning and meaningful discussion within the administration