Sunday, January 05, 2025

Legals December 11, 2019

| December 11, 2019 12:30 AM

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Lions Park Infields Renovation Othello, Washington Sealed bids will be received at the Othello City Hall, 500 East Main Street, Othello, Washington 99344 until 2:00, January 8, 2020, for the above-named improvement. Said bids will be opened and publicly read at that time. All bids shall be received before said opening time in sealed envelopes with Lions Park Infields Renovation marked plainly thereon. All bids shall be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check, or bond in an amount equal to 5 percent of the maximum total amount of the bid. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into a contract or furnish a satisfactory contract bond within the time stated in the specifications, the deposit shall be forfeited to the City. Plans and specifications may be obtained at no cost via electronic transmission from the City of Othello. Paper copies of the plans and specifications may also be obtained from the City at the above address for a non-refundable fee of $100.00. Plans and specifications can be requested by calling the contact person listed below during normal business hours. Copies of plans and specifications are on file for review at various construction councils. All bidders shall call 509-331-2711 prior to bid opening to sign up as a bidder on the project, whether or not they request a hard copy or obtain a digital copy of the Specifications. Bids received from bidders who are not signed in as a bidder on the project will not receive addenda and will be rejected for being non-responsive. Contact person: Shawn O'Brien, 509.331.2711 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of renovation of four baseball/softball infields, minor restroom renovations, ADA parking striping/signage in Lions Park, pedestrian gates relocation and site restoration. Estimated project cost range: $350,000-420,000. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids if such action is in the best interest of the City. #12006/349163 Pub: December 11, 18, 2019

SUMMARY PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTHELLO WASHINGTON FIXING THE AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED BY AD VALOREM TAXES UPON PROPERTY IN 2020 In accordance with RCW 35A.12.160, this is a summary of Othello Ordinance No. 1539, passed by the Othello City Council and approved by Mayor Shawn Logan on the 2nd day of December 2019. The full text may be mailed, free of charge, to any person requesting a copy. SUMMARY This ordinance allows the City of Othello to levy an ad valorem tax against property to provide the maximum allowed by state law for the general operations of the City. Tania D. Morelos City Clerk #12008/349171 Pub: December 11, 2019

SUMMARY PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SIX-YEAR CAPITAL FACILITY PLAN FOR 2020 -2025 In accordance with RCW 35A.12.160, this is a summary of Othello Ordinance No. 1540, passed by the Othello City Council and approved by Mayor Shawn Logan on the 2nd day of December 2019. The full text may be mailed, free of charge, to any person requesting a copy. SUMMARY This ordinance adopts the Capital Facility Plan for 2020-2025 and the estimated expenditures for each fund. Tania D. Morelos City Clerk #12009/349176 Pub: December 11, 2019

SUMMARY PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTHELLO WASHINGTON, FIXING THE BUDGET FOR 2020, SETTING FORTH APPROPRIATIONS AND ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, THE FINAL BUDGET FOR 2020. In accordance with RCW 35A.12.160, this is a summary of Othello Ordinance No. 1541, passed by the Othello City Council and approved by Mayor Shawn Logan on the 2nd day of December 2019. The full text may be mailed, free of charge, to any person requesting a copy. SUMMARY This Ordinance provides totals of estimated appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all funds combined for the City of Othello 2020 budget. Tania D. Morelos City Clerk #12010/349186 Pub: December 11, 2019

SUMMARY PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2019 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF OTHELLO AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 1523 In accordance with RCW 35A.12.160, this is a summary of Othello Ordinance No. 1538, passed by the Othello City Council and approved by Mayor Shawn Logan on the 2nd day of December 2019. The full text may be mailed, free of charge, to any person requesting a copy. SUMMARY This ordinance amends the City of Othello Ordinance 1523 the "Final Budget for 2019". Tania D. Morelos City Clerk #12007/349781 Pub: December 11, 2019

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Port of Othello, Othello, Washington Adams County is soliciting bids from interested persons to fulfill the terms of a FARM LEASE. Bidders shall complete and submit their documents by 12:00 noon., Friday, January 10th, 2020 in a sealed envelope to: Port of Othello, 705 E Hemlock St., Othello, WA 99344 with the bidder's name, address and wording of "OPTION 1" or "OPTION 2" plainly written on the outside of the envelope. Each lease will consist of five (5) crop years commencing on February 1st, 2020 and terminating on January 31st, 2024 for the following described real estate in the County of Adams, State of Washington: OPTION 1: A PORTION OF FARM UNIT 181, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING ONE CIRCLE ON 20.9 ACRES AND ONE CIRCLE ON 5.4 ACRES FOR A TOTAL OF 26.3 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH 2 NEW VALLEY CIRCLES and FARM UNIT 182, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING 22.7 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH A WHEELINE. PER FAA NO COWS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS GROUND. OPTION 2: A PORTION OF FARM UNIT 181, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING 14.2 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH RILL IRRIGATION. PER FAA NO COWS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS GROUND The lease payment for each of these options will be due by February 1st of each year. The Board of Port of Othello Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or irregularities in the bids or in the bidding, if the best interest of the Port of Othello will be served, or to accept the bid, which in their opinion best serves the interest of the Port of Othello. Bids will be opened and read at an open meeting at 9:00 am on January 14th, 2020. Bid proposals with sample lease documents outlining specifications, may be obtained from the Port of Othello, 705 E Hemlock St., Othello, WA 99344. #12003/347170 Pub: Dember 4, 11, 2019