Sunday, January 05, 2025

Letter: Time to unite for God and country

| December 5, 2019 7:59 AM

United we stand, divided we fall! This exclamation has been in existence longer than any of us now living has. This statement is even more important now than when our nation was founded. Our nation was brought together by people who were united behind the God of our fathers. They searched and consulted with Him in order to form a government that divided the power of government away from one individual to all the citizens of the nation. We all have the power to choose whoever we want in many of the offices of our nation. I wonder, sometimes, if we aren’t losing the power we once had because we have moved away from our Lord’s guidance. He has led us through many wars beginning with our war for independence. We were outnumbered and out-gunned yet we gained our sovereignty. We fought in two world wars and came out on top of leaders who were seeking to control the European countries. Even now leaders in the Middle East are seeking to gain control over the whole area. It seems as though a lot of people are wanting to be the leader of a one world government.

I hear a great deal of what is going on in our great nation and it breaks my heart to see the division in our United States. I hear so much disrespect for the office of the presidency and wonder why we, the voters of this nation, allow this division to tear our great nation apart. We have put out trust in our elected officials and I fear many are not living up to what they have been called to. It seems one of our political parties has chosen to change our Godly form of government into a one party, one leader plan to run our free nation in a socialistic one leader type that will lead us into chaos such as we see in Hong Kong and other nations.

Let us get back to a nation that is of the people, by the people and for the people just as it was originated.

Alvin Burgess

Moses Lake