Sunday, January 05, 2025

Legals April 5, 2019

| April 5, 2019 1:30 AM

PUBLIC NOTICE The East Columbia Basin Irrigation District will be making aquatic herbicide treatments beginning in May 2019 and continuing through the end of the 2019 irrigation season. These herbicide treatments will be made pursuant to a Department of Ecology NPDES General Permit for Aquatic Weed Control in Irrigation Systems (Permit No. WAG-991010). The District's service area is located in Moses Lake, Warden and Othello areas of Grant and Adams Counties. The District operates the East Low Canal and its laterals plus some laterals on the Potholes East Canal. 49 locations on various canals, laterals, wasteways and drains within the District's service areas will receive these treatments to control the growth of algae, moss and pondweeds. Frequency of treatments varies from as often as biweekly to as seldom as twice per irrigation season depending on location and circumstances. Permanent signs giving notice of aquatic herbicide treatments have been erected at public road crossing of treated waterways within one mile of the treatment sites. The herbicides being used for these treatments are copper sulfate, Captain Aquatic Herbicide (copper), Endothall and Magnicide H(acrolein) which are registered for such use under the Federal insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Water remains suitable for irrigation use during aquatic herbicide treatments. Treated water is not suitable for drinking or swimming. Individuals desiring additional information about these treatments should contact the East District's main office in Othello at (509) 488-9671 and ask to speak to the Secretary-Manager or Water Quality Supervisor. Inquires may also be directed to the Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office in Spokane, (509) 625-5194 East Columbia Basin Irrigation District, 55 North 8th Avenue, Po Box E, Othello WA 99344 #04006/278864 Pub: March 29, 2019 & April 5, 12, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD April 15, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider the following budget extension requests: *Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Ending Fund Balance (113.155) in the amount of $125,000.00 to fund Strategic Infrastructure Program project #2019-01 for Grant County Fire District No. 3 - New Fire Station in Trinidad/Crescent Bar with a $62,500 grant and $62,500.00 loan; *Sheriff's Office in the amount of $5,204.00 for their Air Circulation project for the main jail; *Sheriff's Office in the amount of $14,708.86 to purchase 6- Handheld FLIR Thermal Units using Homeland Security Grant Funds. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #04010/280294 Pub: March 29, 2019 & April 5, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: April 5, 2019 Notice is hereby given that a Subdivision (Plat Alteration) Application was received by Grant County on March 27, 2019 from Ross Clemenshaw, Crescent Ridge Ranch Land Company, LLC, 5601 6th Avenue South, Suite 350, Seattle, WA 98108-2544 and was found to be technically complete on April 2, 2019. PROJECT: A subdivision of five (5) parcels into ten (10) lots in Master Planned Resort zoning districts of Grant County. The lots will range in size from 8,703 square feet to 10,762 square feet and will be for residential development. LOCATION: The project site is located at the Crescent Bar community. The lots are currently addressed as 9791, 9785, 9779, 9773 and 9767 all on Ridgeview Road NW, Quincy, WA, in a portion of the north half of the Southeast quarter Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 23 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel numbers 14-1285-862, 14-1285-863, 147-1285-864, 14-1285-865 and 14-1285-866. PRESENT ZONING: Master Planned Resort. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. PUBLIC HEARING: The proposal has tentatively been scheduled for a public hearing before the Grant County Hearings Examiner on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 12:00pm noon in the Commissioner's Hearing Room of the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, Washington. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files #P 19-0114) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525, Office hours: 8 am-12 noon, 1-4 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on April 9, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #04018/282196 Pub: April 5, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: April 5, 2019- Notice is hereby given that a Short Subdivision application was received by Grant County on March 28, 2019 from Davie Alporque (Designated Contact: Prairie Land Surveying (Jim Keyes), 5134 Road E.7 NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837), was found to be technically complete on April 1, 2019. PROJECT: A Short Subdivision of one parcel totaling approximately 9.82 acres to create two (2) lots in the Rural Residential 1 (RR1) zoning district. Lot 1 will be approximately 5.84 acres and sits on the westerly side of Bouldercrest Road and has an existing well. Lot 2 will be approximately 3.98 acres and sits on the easterly side of Bouldercrest Road. Both lots are served by Bouldercrest Road, which runs between the two proposed lots, and utilities currently exist along the road. Each lot is anticipated to be served by an individual well and septic system. LOCATION: The project site is known as the Alporque Short Plat and the subject parcel is located on Bouldercrest Road, southeast of the intersection of Road 7.5 NE and Bouldercrest Road about four (4) miles northwest of the Moses Lake city limits. The site is located in the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 25, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #16-1681-010. PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential 1 (RR1). STUDIES REQUIRED: None. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to, and shall be consistent with, Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (File #P 19-0116) are available from Alex White, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2522, Office Hours: 8am- 12 noon, 1pm - 5pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5pm on April 20, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above mentioned proposal and materials. #04019/282326 Pub: April 5, 2019