Thursday, March 06, 2025

Wolf Advisory Group seeking members

by Dennis L. Clay Herald Columnist
| October 26, 2018 1:00 AM

Here is a chance for cattle ranchers and other interested persons to assist with the wolf situation.

Fish and Wildlife is seeking candidates to serve for the next three years on the citizen committee that advises the department on wolf recovery and management.

The department formed the Wolf Advisory Group in 2013 with nine members, representing the interests of environmentalists, hunters, and livestock ranchers. In 2015, the group’s size was increased to 18 members to better reflect the diversity of perspectives on wolf conservation and management. There is currently one vacancy on this group.

Donny Martorello, Fish and Wildlife wolf policy lead, said the department will accept applications and nominations from environmentalists, ranchers, hunters, and other interested individuals and organizations.

The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. Nov 30, 2018. Applications and nominations may be emailed to or sent to Martorello at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, P. O. Box 43200, Olympia, WA 98504-3200.

New members should be available for meetings beginning as early as February 2019. The group holds at least four two-day meetings per year. Most meetings take place in Spokane, Ellensburg, Issaquah, and Olympia. Advisory group members may be reimbursed for travel expenses to attend meetings.

Applications and nominations must be submitted in writing and address the following items: The applicant or nominee’s name, address, telephone number, and email address; People or groups making nominations must also submit their own names and contact information; The candidate’s relevant experience, organizational affiliations, and reasons why they would be an effective advisory group member; Familiarity with Washington’s Wolf Conservation and Management Plan and current wolf recovery status and management issues; and Experience in collaborating with people who have different values.

New Fish and Wildlife director scheduled to attend open house

Fish and Wildlife has scheduled six open house events this fall to give the new director an opportunity to discuss the agency’s long-term plans to conserve fish and wildlife and promote outdoor recreation throughout the state.

“The department’s work is fundamental to people’s quality of life and livelihoods in Washington,” Fish and Wildlife Director Kelly Susewind said. “These meetings will allow me to introduce you to my values and approach and I’m eager to hear what’s important to you.”

Specific topics will include an overview of the department’s work in each region, a summary of budget and policy proposals for the 2019 legislative session, and a discussion about how the department should position itself to address new, long-term challenges that affect fish and wildlife.

The open houses, all scheduled for 6:30-8:30 p.m., will take place at the following dates and locations in Eastern Washington: Nov. 5, CenterPlace Regional Event Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley; Nov. 6, Grant County Public Works, 124 Enterprise St. SE, Ephrata; Nov. 7, Selah Civic Center, 216 1st St., Selah.

Dennis note: Here is a chance for all outdoor-minded people to meet and visit with the new director.

Photo contest aimed at hunters

The theme is “From field to feast: Sustainable hunting for food.” Fish and Wildlife sponsors a photo contest to select a cover for the upcoming big game pamphlet every year.

From Fish and Wildlife: This year will be a little different from previous contests, and we are asking hunters to submit their entries in three parts. Your submission should include a photo of your harvest in the field, a photo of a dish created from that harvest, and a recipe for that dish.

What great fun. This could be a family project, with even younger children providing input.

Send Fish and Wildlife your photos highlighting how you use hunting to provide food for yourself and your family, along with a short paragraph describing the photos. Please include the recipe for your dish in the paragraph description. You can send your submission to Please make sure you include high quality, high resolution photos so they can be used in the contest.

Even if you are not selected as the winner, we may feature your photos and recipe on our social media pages.

The cutoff date for submissions is March 1, 2019. The winning submission will be featured on the next Washington State Big Game Hunting Seasons and Regulations pamphlet.